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The airship traveled over the continent until it reached Corona, the moon shining overhead. The Saporians used a cloaking spell to cover their entry and then found a place out of the way to park their ship. Then Maximus and Fidella pulled the caravan down the ramp with Rapunzel's little group inside and Owl sitting on top, Adira and Hector on either side, while Andrew's group stayed on the ship with Cleo. King Edmund and Hamuel rode in the caravan with Eugene and Varian.

"Be safe." Andrew had said to Varian as he stepped into the caravan.

"Don't get spotted." Varian had said, nodding to him.

Andrew then smiled, then watched as Varian closed the door and they started down the ramp.

Now, they were heading towards Old Corona, which was just as trashed as the last time they saw it. A couple guards stood at the entrance to the lab, and they started upon seeing the caravan approaching.

"H-Halt!" One of them said.

Rapunzel smiled. "Stan! Pete!"

Varian muttered something about "always them" before Eugene gently shushed him and moved a blanket over him in case they checked.

"Princess Rapunzel!" They cried in unison, recognizing the caravan with her on it. "Oh, you're home, thank the Sun! Did you finish your quest?"

"Yes." She nodded. "And now, I have a promise to keep. Why don't you go and tell my father that I'm home?"

They took off running into the night excitedly and she watched them go before opening the door and peering into the lab. After making sure no one else was here, she went to motion for everyone else to go inside.


Hector gasped softly as he saw Quirin for the first time, his eyes shaking, and Cassandra reached out and took his hand in hers for comfort. Adira stood by silently, while Eugene stood next to his stunned father. Lance turned to look at Varian, who was standing in the doorway silently, and then he walked between all of them and joined Rapunzel in front of the amber.

"Are you ready?" She asked softly.

He pursed his lips, then reached out to place his hands against the amber. He'd never done this with his hands covered, he hoped the rocks wouldn't get in the way. "Wither and decay," he sang, his gaze on his father's face, "end this destiny. Break these early chains and set the spirit free." The amber started to crack, then melt like goo around them, spilling out onto the floor. "The spirit free."

Rapunzel watched as he repeated the song three more times, and then slowly moved his hands away as the third time ended and his father slumped to his knees. He shakily dropped to his knees in front of him, tears forming in his eyes. "D-Dad?"

Quirin slowly blinked, then opened his eyes fully, looking up at him. "...Varian?" He asked softly.

"Yeah, dad." He smiled. "It's me." He chuckled softly. "So, uh...a lot happened while you were...uhm...asleep. I...met some people. And...uhm..."

"You took the Moonstone into your body." Quirin said softly. It wasn't a question, it was a statement, an understanding of what he'd probably been trying to avoid finally coming to pass. He sighed and pulled him close. "Oh, Varian..."

"Dad..." Varian sniffled and buried his face in his shoulder. "I missed you so much..."

Rapunzel smiled and stepped back, walking over to Lance. "Why don't we go wait for them. I'm sure they all have a lot to talk about."

"Yeah." Lance nodded. "Should probably get Shorty back to the Snuggly Duckling." He chuckled and they headed outside.

Cassandra looked over at them. "Raps?"

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