Back to the Dark

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The trip to the Dark Kingdom was quiet, with everyone feeling tense and nervous. No one knew would to expect, what state Varian would be in, what if he got brainwashed like Ruddiger did? As they traveled by moonlight, though, they were seeing the Dark Kingdom ahead of them, and Quirin pointed towards a glowing lake. "There."

"What?" Rapunzel looked at him.

"They're most likely there."

"What's that place?" Ruddiger asked.

"That is Lake Dòchas." Quirin explained. "It is a wish-granting lake, and also connected strongly with the Moon's power. But, the reason I say it's there is because that building doesn't belong there."

Elsa gripped the wall of the airship as they flew over towards the glowing lake. "Do you think he's alright?"

"He's been stuck with Lucas , so I doubt it." Clyde said grimly.

"Everyone, be on your guard." Donella said. "There's probably going to be a fight."

They set down by the glowing lake and got out of the airship to approach the building that didn't belong there and the people outside it.

Frederic was the first to notice them, and he stood up as they approached. "Rapunzel..." he looked at Quirin. "...Quirin."

"Return my son, Frederic." Quirin said coldly.

"No! Not until he releases the hold he has on my daughter!" Frederic said firmly.

"Besides, if he wanted to leave, he would've by now." Lucas smirked.

"Lucas." Ruddiger glared at him. "Where is Varian?!"

"I'm afraid our young alchemist is out of reach." Lucas said, chuckling. "You have heard, surely, that the Moonstone Opal was sentient?"

Quirin's eyes widened. "...You didn't ..."

"What did he do?" Rapunzel looked at him.

"Whatever you did, undo it right now !" Clyde said, drawing his sword.

"Please, let us see him." Elsa implored.

"We are fully prepared to use force if you refuse." Donella said, raising her gun.

"Oh, so you want a fight, do you?" Lucas got up, summoning glowing plants.

Suddenly, the lake started to bubble and then a funnel of water came out of it. "So noisy..." They heard Varian say, and then the funnel lowered and formed into a seat, which a shirtless, merboy Varian was now sitting, his hair and eyes glowing. "I gave you all one job and you can't keep the Sundrop away from the lake?"

"In our defense, she came by air." Lucas said.

"Excuses!" A wave of glowing water splashed out at them and the entire group on land moved away from it. "Well, I suppose you're here now. I wasn't done restoring this body yet, but this will have to do. At least those scars are gone, but the strange magic still remains." He looked over his shoulder before looking back at them. "Quirin." His eyes flashed and black rocks came out and shoved Quirin towards the water, where he dropped underwater and then came out panting. "You were given a task, to find a woman and bring into this world a body for me. Why has he lived sixteen years without me?"

"Because I looked at that child and realized I couldn't put him through that pain." Quirin replied.

"The pain would have been temporary and, as an infant there would not be a personality or... memories ..." he looked towards Clyde, who was looking at a loss of what to do, "for me to contend with." He looked back at Quirin.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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