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Varian had been taken to a room and locked inside before being given full autonomy again. The first thing he did was go to the window, but it'd been barred to prevent him escaping. And he didn't trust the House – or Regulus – to not do something to make his magic useless against it. The last time he was in here, he didn't have magic to use against it, and it was likely that it'd just absorb his magic anyway.

Why else would The Puppeteer allow him full control of his body again, knowing what he was capable of? His bag had also been taken from him, so alchemy was right out.

He tried shaking the bars on the window before he walked over and sat on the bed in the room, one of the few pieces of furniture besides a table and two chairs. They were going to attack Corona...use him to attack was he going to stop them?

He heard the door open and looked over to see Lucas stepping inside. He tensed and quickly got off the bed, baring his teeth aggressively.

"My, what an aggressive little bird." He walked over to the table and set down a covered tray, then removed the lid. "I brought you some lunch."

"Fine, you brought it, now leave!" Varian snapped., then stepped back as Lucas set the lid back down and walked towards him.

"You don't seem to realize your position right now." Lucas said, reaching out to grab his wrists and pull him close. Varian tried to pull free and then let out a muffled cry as he was roughly kissed by the man. "You don't have your precious demon hunter or raccoon to protect you right now." He pushed him up against the wall and leaned in to kiss his neck, his hands moving to Varian's hips.

"Let go!" Varian cried, then pulled off his gloves with a grunt before gripping his right arm. Black rocks started to creep up his arm from where Varian held onto him and he jerked back, making him let go. "I'm not helpless." He hissed.

"...Tch." Lucas looked at the rocks on his arm, then turned and walked out, slamming the door shut.

Varian sighed and pulled his gloves back on before he went to sit down and poke at the food. He doubted it was poisoned, they needed him healthy.

Regulus laughed as soon as Lucas came into the dining hall. "Well, well! Someone got rejected!"

Lucas huffed and glared at the rocks on his arm before he ran his hand through his hair. "He'll come around."

"Well, don't count on me to help." Regulus said, putting his feet up on the table.

"AHT! AHT! AHT!" Tromus came over and pushed his feet off. "Were you raised in a barn?! Non! I know you know better!"

Regulus stuck out his tongue, then leaned back in the chair, which earned him a dirty look, before grinning and sitting up properly. "About this...'attacking tonight' plan. Don't you think it's too soon? I mean, we already told them to expect something, so they'll have their guards up."

"You want to change the plan?" Selina asked.

"If we strike now, they'll have had warning and will be waiting for us. Besides," Regulus grinned, "imagine their faces when they wait all night for an attack that never comes? In the meantime, I'll be practicing to see just how much control I have over his powers, or if we need to dip him into Zhan Tiri's magic to ensure this plan goes off without a hitch."

"And what will you do with the boy, once your Mistress is freed?" Frederic asked.

"That's up to her. He is, after all, the Moonstone. Retaining control over him would be greatly in her favor, especially since we don't know how to extract his powers from him yet." Regulus said with a shrug.

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