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Rapunzel, Varian and Eugene stared at the monkey - man? - in disbelief and Pascal and Ruddiger let out low growls, clearly not trusting this....monkey. He glanced at them and then looked exasperated. Finally, Eugene started to laugh, the only sound any of the humans had made since the revelation.

"Yeah, nice try, Canardist!" Eugene called. "He's not Demanitus!"

"I mean, he could be." Varian shrugged. "Didn't you guys once turn into birds?"

Ruddiger hopped down from Varian's shoulders and stared up at the monkey before getting up on his two legs, growling and chittering at him.

"Oh, haha, and now the raccoon is challenging the monkey! This is rich!" Eugene laughed.

"Uh...Ruddiger?" Varian raised an eyebrow.

"I can't understand you when you talk like that." "Demanitus" said with an unamused expression. "Slow down and enunciate."

Ruddiger just growled and dropped down on all fours before he climbed back up onto Varian's shoulders. "Uhm...what was that?" Rapunzel asked.

"Do not be concerned, it was simply a discussion between old colleagues." Demanitus waved it off. "Now, we have to be going."

"Uh, no, there's no way you're Demanitus, that guy lived a thousand years ago!" Eugene argued in disbelief, then moved over to him. "Okay, let's see here." He waved his hands over him. "No strings." He took a whiff. "Although, you certainly smell like a thousand-year-old monkey!" He laughed. "Okay, what's the trick here, huh? Come on, costume? Very convincing, lifelike costume?"

"And how did you meet Ruddiger?" Varian asked.

"Is that what you're calling yourself now?" The monkey muttered, then spoke louder. "This is no subterfuge, I assure you. I am Lord Demanitus, protector of Ancient Corona, devotee of science and invention, who has emerged from this monkey in your time of need." He explained, then glanced to the side with a smile. "Banana!" He ran to grab a banana from a low-hanging tree.

"Okaaaay, but how did you meet Ruddiger?" Varian asked.

"The raccoon you call 'Ruddiger' has not always been a raccoon. I suspect this form is because of his involvement with the demon, Zhan Tiri, after he was tricked to their side. He was once my student, Regulus." Demanitus explained, then ate two bananas at once.

Varian blinked, then looked at Rapunzel. "Wait, do you think...?"

"That guy that helped us?" Rapunzel looked at Ruddiger, who just looked bored of the conversation.

"What is going on here?" Eugene demanded, facing Demanitus. Or, well, the monkey that claimed to be him.

"Listen, and listen well." Demanitus told them. "Millenia ago, a mysterious event in the heavens divided an ancient power in two. The Sundrop and Moonstone fell to the earth! My pupils and I researched the legend of the Sundrop and Moonstone, two elements that longed to reunite."

Varian and Rapunzel looked at each other.

"We searched but, alas, could not find them. "Unfortunately, we were not the only ones looking." He looked at Varian - or rather, the raccoon on his shoulders. "My pupils betrayed me and joined my nemesis, Zhan Tiri! A demon from another realm bent on destruction."

Ruddiger curled up tighter around Varian and he stroked his fur comfortingly as the monkey went on. "I managed to banish the demon and its followers from our world with one of my inventions. I knew the research I had written about the Sundrop and the Moonstone was valuable, and dangerous in evil hands. So, I tore the scroll and hid the pieces and placed the final piece within the maze, which I created to keep away the unworthy."

Varian gasped excitedly. "It's just like the legends! This is amazing! You're really Demanitus, this is--this is--ahh!" He held his head, like his brain was going to explode if he didn't hold it together. "I'm actually talking to the real Demanitus!"

Ruddiger rolled his eyes.

"Oh, you have a little something right there, I think it's banana?" Rapunzel pointed to just above her lips to show him what she meant.

Demanitus wiped it off with a "Hm."

"And you're a monkey because...?" Eugene prompted.

"In the event of Zhan Tiri's return, I had to take a form that could not be recognized." Demanitus said grimly.

Rapunzel tensed. "Zhan Tiri's return...that's what Lucas and Tromus were trying to use us for." She looked at Varian anxiously.

Demanitus nodded. "Using my scientific acumen, coupled with an ancient spell, I was able to create a hiding place, a living, simian creature."

"That's got some questionable ethics attached to it, but it's kind of brilliant!" Varian said cheerfully.

"Coming from the kid that mutated his, apparently transformed-human, raccoon." Eugene looked at him.

Varian shrugged. "Meh."

"I would lay dormant in this simian until such time as I could emerge again." Demanitus went on.

"Ironclad logic." Eugene said, rolling his eyes.

"Why didn't you come out before?" Rapunzel asked.

"I'm no sorcerer, but from what I understand of the spell, it would allow me to emerge from this form but once...and only for a few short hours." Demanitus revealed. "After which, my spirit shall retreat into this monkey...forever."

He then briefly acted like Vigor again before regaining himself.

"There's no way to keep you from going dormant again? I'm friends with the Saporians, maybe they can help you!" Varian insisted.

"Hm, perhaps. But, for now, we must make haste into the maze." Demanitus said, walking towards it.

"Yeah, uh, nuh-uh." Eugene shook his head. "How do we know for sure that this isn't another one of Zhan Tiri's cronies? The other two got away!"

"Well, I mean, Ruddiger seems to have a different level of distrust around him." Varian shrugged.

"Yeah, and it was this guy that told us your raccoon was a transformed human! How do we know he just doesn't like his smell or is just holding a grudge for the almost-curse?" Eugene shook his head.

"Alright, Eugene. I hear you. Cautious optimism." Rapunzel assured him.

Varian walked down the steps after Demanitus and they followed behind him. "I mean, if he can be trusted, then what's Ruddiger's beef with him? Why is he so hostile?" Eugene asked as they walked. "Not that I trust a raccoon's temper over my own instincts, of course."

"If you guys don't hurry up, we're going on without you!" Varian called back to them.

"That kid has 'trusts-too-easily' issues." Eugene said, and Rapunzel had to agree with that.

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