Part 1 - On the run

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You were running, your lungs were hurting. And then you hurt several gunshots. You slalomed in the streets of New York, the next step was stealing a motorcycle to get away from the avengers. Yeah yeah, the avengers.

World's mightiest heroes were after you. Why ? Well you're in Hydra's database, and you're not really a hero, more like a villain. A pain in the ass for Tony, and also smarter so you could basically do anything. You had a training similar to Natasha's one. Super-soldier just like Steve Rogers. But it was imperceptible, you came close with an infinity stone, almost touched one. But you didn't because some twins needed to be tested on.

So you and your coworker The Winter Soldier, just did another mission. And in 2016 just after your birthday you escaped. And you are now trying to take down hydra. But let's just say you aren't subtle and kinda messing the avengers plan up. Although for you, this was working. Anyway let's get back to you running away from the Black widow.

"Cap I need you to help me I'm on 39th street. We almost got her" Natasha said through the coms.

When you were in the middle of a group of people, you took off your Blonde wig, reviling your (H/C) hair. You quickly changed from your white work outfit to a casual one, composed of a light blue Jean, and a white crop top. You added a biker vest, kept your boots. You changed in less than a minute, and when the light turned green, it was your cue.

"Cap i lost her" Natasha screamed
You ran towards your motorcycle, and that's when you saw captain america. He throws his shield at you, but you quickly catch it, you throw it back, and just kick him in the face, he punched you, and you fell off your motorcycle.

"Tony I need back up on the 39th street, number 76. Nat I need you to create a perimeter, she is armed, Wanda take out the civilians. Sam keep an eye from the sky"
"On it" they all said
"You know Icepop, I really need to go...and I don't want to hurt your friends so..."
He threw his shield once again.
"Okay now I'm pissed"

You ran towards him and executed the black widow pose effortlessly, Steve was on the ground and with a punch you knocked him down. Right after that the famous Iron man came.

"Listen, I really don't want to hurt you so-"
"Oh I wouldn't stress about it"
You just threw a device at him, the suit malfunctioned and Tony was ejected off it.
"You might need a refund on that one"
Of course he blasted your motorcycle, so you stole a car. That's when cap came back to the world, he tried to run after you, but couldn't really catch you. He went back to the team.

"Cap i lost her, she is untraceable" Sam said
"I swear I'm gonna kill her. It's personal now" Tony growled
"Let's just go back to the compound. We need rest. And a meeting."
"Okay." Wanda said

They went back to the compound and just spend a night affected by the fact that they lost. A girl, beating the avengers. That was unbelievable, even a god couldn't.

- next morning -

"Alright so I think we all know why we are here. Y/N  Y/L/N is currently on the run. Yesterday we lost, because we weren't prepared. And we didn't know our enemy so well."

"What do you mean ? We saw everything hydra had about her !" Tony said raising his voice.
"She is a super soldier Tony. How do you think she knocked me out ?! She used Natasha's signature pose and knocked me out !"

That's when Natasha's eyes went wide. A tear rolled down her cheek.
"What" she said
"She used your pose Nat, the black widow pose" Steve said calmly.

"No that's impossible, I never fought her how could she"
"Maybe YouTube ?"
"No. Jarvis, find me records of Y/N when she was a kid, with her parents"
"There isn't anything on a Y/N  Y/L/N from the age 3 to 19. Sorry Miss Romanoff"
"Okay and then from 19 to 26 ?"
"Only hydra footage" Jarvis responded.

"Okay now explain this how come we don't have footage ? And how come we still have hydra's ? Let me answer that. She was taken, like me, trained at the red room, escaped, found by hydra and then experimented on"
"Nat it may be a bit crazy..." Wanda said not too loud.
"No it's not. She is a widow, she has to be one"
"Nat listen-"
"No you listen Steve. I have an intuition about this, I feel it, SHE IS a widow. And if you don't trust me then it's your problem."
"And SHE is our enemy. She needs to pay for her actions, I dont care if she is or isn't a Widow !"
"Steve you need to calm down"
"NO Bruce, i need to catch her and to make sure that she wont kill anyone again."
"I know i can save her Steve, you need to trust me !"

"No nat, she is the kind you stop."
"Screw you Steve. Screw you. When it was your pal, you ignored everything."
"she isn't your pal, she"
"She is A WIDOW, that means she is more than a pal."
She got out of the room

- your POV -

You were currently in your apparentement in Brooklyn. It was a loft, quite big, it was just simple like you liked and very practical. You received a phone call.

'Weird' you thought.
You answered.
"Ah, Y/N. Finally you answer your phone"
"Who is this ?"
"Listen I called you because I want to talk, it's not a trap. I think we know each other."
"What listen if you call this number one more time"
"It's hum Natasha"
"Natasha ?"
"Natasha Romanoff. I mean Natalia Alianovna Romanova"
"Oh great now you want to be friends"
"Y/N i know you're a widow."
"What ? How ?"
"Listen this line is not safe. Meet me on Virginia avenue, tomorrow 9am."

She hung up. This had to be a trap. But how did she know you were a widow ? She was from an older generation and you didn't remember her at all. How to know if she wasn't lying ?
You'll see tomorrow, tonight was about "Friends" your favourite TV show.

FALLING FOR THE CAPTAIN - (STEVE ROGERS x READER) Where stories live. Discover now