Part 13 - Change.

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After your party Steve went to see Bucky.
"Buck I think I like someone."
"Who ? Wait don't tell me it's her. Steve she has a boyfriend !"
"I know and that's why I won't do anything but I like her."
"I don't know what to tell you dude."
"Should I fight it ?"
"Steve you can't fight love."
"I moved on. Peggy. She was the love of my life buck. I can move on from her"
"Do not interfere with her relationship. She's happy and let's keep it that way"

- 6 months had passed -
and your relationship with Harry was at its lowest. You got into a really big fight and called it quit. You didn't tell the team yet, but Yelena knew. You were feeling so down.

"Y/N it's me it's Buck"
"Buck I'm fine it's okay"
"Open up its been 3 days. I'm gonna go get this son of a bitch"
"How did you knew ? Friday unlock my door"
"I'm your best friends. And if your stomach was seriously at the point where you couldn't get out of bed, Bruce would've examined you."
He came in with Japanese food.
"Friday put on friends. Y/N's fav episodes. And I also brought you a book, and some long term food. And if you want I can stay with you."
"Bucky you're the best."

Harry has been around for a long time, it was your longest relationship, and throwing that away was painful, but you knew you could get back on your feet. You went trough way worse. You got out of your room got dressed and cleaned up.

"Guys" Steve called "Meeting !"
"Coming" you said
"Who's that ?" Bucky asked
"Wait until the whole team is here"
Everyone got in the room.
"I would like to introduce you Sharon Carter. She will be working with us as an assistant/undercover agent."
"Hi nice to meet you I'm Y/N"
"Oh I heard about you."
"What's that supposed to mean ?"
"Nothing. Anyway Stevie could you show me around ?"

When they got out Wanda said
"What a bitch."
"Kinda pretty tho." Tony said
"Do you think she had her legs around cap and that's why she's here ?" Clint asked.
"Ew Clint no !" Bucky said
"I bet you they will be together in less than 4 month" Tasha said
You got out of the room. Even though hearing them bitching about Sharon was enjoyable.

Sharon has been around for a while and was kinda hating you. You didn't mind and didn't wanted to waste your time for her. You and Steve grew closer friends and yeah that's about it.
Also you were finding Steve way more attractive then before, couldn't tell why, maybe he was working out more ? Or treating you right ?

"Yelena ?"
"Im in the kitchen bitchhh"
"I have to tell you news"
"Is it about that Harry dickhead. I'll show him some."
"No no, it's about Steve"
"What about him."
"I well it's hard"
"yeah maybe I think he is attractive, a lot"
"Oh this is too great."

"Y/N ?" Sharon entered the kitchen. "Oh hi ? Yelena ? Steve and I would like to make an announcement, we're waiting for you"
"Okay coming"
"bitch" Yelena added not loud enough for Sharon to hear. You laughed.

"So you all know Sharon, as our coworker. But I would like to introduce her as my girlfriend."
You spilled your water. GIRLFRIEND. WTF.
Everyone mouth was opened. Bucky seemed mad and Yelena looked at you a shocking expression marking her face.
"Well. I guess hum Congrats Steve" you said before rushing out of the room. Steve smiled and kissed Sharon. Natasha, Wanda and Yelena followed you. You were crying.

"Do I not deserve happiness Yel ?"
"Y/N don't say that. Of course you do"
"What's happening ?" Wanda asked slowly.
"I was supposed to tell Steve I liked him. But now he is with this Sharon."
Wanda's mind clicked.
"I'm gonna go on a run, I'll be better alone, thanks girls"
You ran off.

"Steve liked Y/N" Wanda said
"What" Yelena asked
"He liked her for so long. That's why he wasn't cool with her. He liked her."
"Oh my god."
"Let's go see Bucky."

"Bucky ?"
"Yeah I'm coming Nat"
"Did Steve like Y/N ?"
"What ?"
"Okay yeah he did"
"SINCE UH WHEN ?!" Yelena screamed
"Pretty much since he saw her but he realized when she was with Harry, and moved on"
"What ? Why"
"Girls do you mind explaining ?"
"She likes Steve. She does. She was supposed to tell him."
"Oh god"
"Yeah I KNOW"

You were running so fast your lungs were hurting, you didn't even thought that was possible. You're a super soldier. It was okay. Steve was just a stupid crush. Was he tho ?
Sharon was such a bitch. But if Steve was happy it was all that matters. Okay you can't interfere with their relationship that's not okay. You needed to let it go. You needed change. Not a big change but since you broke up with Harry you felt like you needed to change everything. From head to toes. You went to the hair salon. Bought new clothes, it took you all day long. But you were happy and this was a new you.

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