Part 4 - It's complicated

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So it was official, you were an avenger.
"Y/N it's so cool !!"
"I don't know, I mean I'm happy but, Captain he literally HATES ME."
"Don't be so dramatic, I'm sure he'll grow into it"
"I don't know Yelena, I wish he already did. I don't want to be in a team where I break everything."
"Y/N you are breaking nothing I assure you,"
"Thanks, I better go train. See you"
"Bye bestieeee"

You hung up.
Yelena was the best best friend. You loved her so much. She was basically a sister.

You heard a knock on your door,
"Hey, hum can I get in ?"
"Depends on who you are"
"Oh yeah, hum it's Wanda...Wanda Maximoff"
"In that case, yes you can" you smiled

"So huh, I know that Cap can seem, well distant... he just needs time, and I was also wondering if you would like to spend the day with me ? So I can learn to know you... If you're okay with that ! Don't feel obliged-"
"Well, I don't blame huh Steve ? I mean, we kind of got off the wrong foot... and I'm not the nicest person on earth so.... Plus I'm sure I'm not his type. Of Mhmm people. I don't feel obliged to do anything, and I would love to spend the day with you" you smiled, she smiled back.

"I was thinking about training, and then maybe we could go find a gift for Natasha's birthday, I know you don't know her really well so we can do something in commun."
"That is so sweet of you, I would love to. I also need a dress so maybe I could by one for you and Natasha and we could pair ?"
"That is a fantastic idea !"

And within seconds you were out of the compound. I mean almost...

"Where is she going ?"
"Shopping. With me"
"Come on Wanda she can't go out."
"Steve, I'll keep an eye on her, now let us go." Wanda said with a warning tone.
"Do anything stupid and I'll kill you." Steve growled walking past you, looking deep in your eyes, with a death stare.

Once you were in Wanda's car, she apologised for Steve's attitude.
"I'm sorry, really..."
"It's okay, I'm used to people hating me" you laughed nervously.
During the rest of the ride you just sang on the top of your lungs. Then you arrived to the mall.

You guys went to Jaquemus first. You found a ripped dress, that was amazing. Literally.
"Oh it has to be THIS one"
"Agreed, we take black, and Bat will take Red !"
"She is going to be stunning !"
"I'm gonna go pay" you smiled
"Y/N, it's way too much !"

You just ignored her and payed.
You then went to a jewellery shop, and chose a diamond necklace. You paid half of it, and same for wanda. You got back to the Avengers facility laughing, once you trained and took a shower, you met back in the living room, as soon as you got in, Steve stopped laughing and got out.

"Sorry Y/N. Really"
"It's okay, Sam, don't worry" you sadly smiled
"Y/N, Nat and I are going to watch the devil wears Prada. Want to join ?"
"Hell yeah ! I'll go get the pizzas, and Bucky"

Later in the evening,
The movie started and Steve joined.
"What are you guys watching ?"
"The devil wears prada..." you answered
"Huh" he sat down, glared at you, and his eyes went back on the tv.

Nat and Wanda just looked at you, kinda asking if you were okay. You simply nodded and took a simp of your beer.
At the end of the movie, everyone was sleeping except, Bucky, Steve and of course You.
You helped clean up everything, but to Steve you were made of glass. Invisible.

"Goodnight Steve" Bucky said, he just hugged you.
"So hum, do you need help with the dishes ?"
He didn't answer
"Steve ?"
Still nothing
"Steve ?!"
He just looked at you.

You waited a minute and then everything got out.
"You listen well ROGERS. I am NOT your enemy and I am NOT your friend. But unfortunately we ARE coworkers. I DO NOT LIKE YOU EITHER. And I don't ENJOY WORKING WITH YOU."

He stopped the water.

He dropped the plate in the sink. He came close to you, your faces were an inch apart. His jaw tightened and his eyes darkened.
"The only adult things about you, are your ass, and your tits."
You slapped him. Tears in your eyes. He just smiled and you went straight in your room.

You closed the door and heard many 'What happened'.
After a while you heard a knock.

"Y/N, it's us... please open the door we are worried."
"I'm okay don't worry" your voice was broken.
"Y/N. Please"
You opened the door, and the girls immediately hugged you.

"What happened Y/N ?"
"Steve. It was just a mistake all of this,"
"Don't say that, you are an avenger, and you will always be. Steve is just a dick. He is difficult. Probably scared of you."
"He laughs at me, he ignores me. I'm not trying to be his friend, trying to help him."
"He tells everyone you slapped him"
"I did. Because I confronted him about our relationship and the fact that he needs to be an adult and stop his bullshit. And he responded with a 'the only adult things about you are, your ass and your tits'. How do you think I felt ?"
"He needs to stop, I know." Natasha said
"Listen we're just going to have a sleepover."
"Girls you were so tired, and tomorrow is a very special day, I'll be okay don't worry"
"You sure ?"
"Yeah yeah, meet you at 10. In your room, be awakeeee" you finished as they got out of the room. You cried yourself to sleep. Wasn't anything unusual tho.

FALLING FOR THE CAPTAIN - (STEVE ROGERS x READER) Where stories live. Discover now