Part 15 - Russia

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Today was the anniversary of your parents death. They never stopped looking for you while you were in the red room. Dreykov had them killed and it's been 18 years today. It was hurting you that you weren't able to remember anything more than just little parts of your life. Nobody knew what today was about. And you really wanted to keep it that way. You were going to avoid everyone, keep your mouth shut, train and that's it.

"Morning Widow"
"Hi buck, you made breakfast?"
"Yeah everyone's in the living room"
"You need help ?"
"It's okay go eat"

"Morning everyone, fellow avengers"
"You okay ?" Nat asked
"Yeah why wouldn't I be ?"
"You seem a little off and dramatic"
"I'm not dramatic. I'm not off either"
"You sure you're okay Y/N ?" Wanda asked
"Oh god. Yes I'm okay ! Now leave me the fuck alone !" You said angrily. And you just left. Everyone was surprised and confused and you planned on letting them like this.

You changed and went straight to the training room. You wanted to punch everything and everyone. After about an hour, you had a really bad panic attack. You couldn't breathe, that when golden boy came in to train and saw you.
You were crying and imagining your parents body being thrown in a grave. You managed to get their name. Roksana Y/L/N and Petro Y/L/N. Maybe visiting their graves would make you feel better ? You were lost.

"Y/N eyes on me. It's okay, you're okay. Calm down" Steve said while taking you in his arms. After 4 minutes you stopped panicking but you were still crying.
"Y/N, I know something is definitely not okay. So when you're ready you're gonna talk to me about it."
"Steve I can't. No one knows"
"Not even Yelena ? Or Bucky."
"No no one knows."
"Well I'll be the first one. Take your time"
"I have to go to Russia."
"What ?"
"I'm Russian, and I have to go to Russia."
"Y/N you can't go"
"I can and I will" you say getting up.
"Well I'm coming too."
"Steve you can't !"
"I can and I will" he smirked
God. He wouldn't let you go alone.

- on the jet -
"Once we're in Russia you leave me alone."
"But I don't speak Russian"
"I don't care Steve. I want to be alone."
"You're not physically nor mentally okay. I don't care what you'll be doing it doesn't matter. I'm coming."
"You're a pain in the ass Rogers"
"As long as you're safe. Where exactly are we going ?"
"Does if have an English name ? Because I didn't understand"
"Ugh it's Kotelniki"
"And why are we going there ?"
"Because I need to be there. I need to do something"

- Kotelniki -
"Y/N you really have to explain to me what you're doing here"
"Steve I'm in Russia I have to do something, stay here and I'll be back."

You walked into the cemetery. You stopped there and froze. You were crying a lot. It took you 10 minutes to pass the gate. You brought flowers, their colors were popping. It took you an hour to find the strength to look for your parents grave.

- Steve's POV -
It's been a fucking hour. What if something had happened? God I hope not.
He activated your tracker and he found you in the middle of the alley.

"What are you doing here ?"

- your POV-
Oh god. Steve followed you
"It's none of your business Steve. Go away."
Your voice was broken.
"Y/N we are in the middle of a cemetery in a stupid town in Russia. I deserve an explanation."
"IT IS NOT A STUPID TOWN. NOW LEAVE ME ALONE STEVE." You were crying even more
"Y/N. Tell me."
His face went white and he looked at you with big eyes. He came closer and took you in his arms.
"I'm sorry I didn't know"
"If you tell anyone. I'll kill you"
"Did you find it ?"
"No no I didn't"
"Let me help you"

After 5 minutes Steve found it.

And next to her grave was your dads.
Graved into both their graves was :
Their last words were :
Parents to our beautiful daughter Y/N, we love you so much, and we'll meet again, above the stars.

You were crying so much and so was Steve.
He took you in his arms and you stayed like this for a good 15 minutes. After that you left the flowers and touched their graves saying :
"I love you мамочка. I love you папочка. And we will meet again, above the stars. I hope I made you proud, and I can't wait to see you. я так сильно тебя люблю" (I love you so much)

You didn't talk for the whole trip and you slept a lot. You were exhausted.
When you woke up Steve asked you a question.
"Why did you go now ?"
"Because it has been 18 years since Dreykov murdered them today" you said looking down
"I'm sorry. Really"
"It's okay, thanks for being here steve"
He smiled sadly

Once you were back you locked yourself in your room and didn't go out for a week, you were grieving and for the first time you heard a knock on your door.
"Y/N ? It's Steve"
"Come in"
"I told everyone to leave you alone, didn't say why but I wanted to give you this." He left a box on your bed and got out.

Hope it helps to have a face. I mean faces
You opened it.
Wedding pics. And pregnancy pics, and pics with a baby. Steve found your parents wedding pictures. You had a face, your moms face, and your father's face. You cried while smiling there was also a dvd so you played it.

(To our daughter, we love you)
Your house, Christmas tree, playgrounds, everything, your childhood, from 0 to 3. It was 2hours long. And you enjoyed every part of it. You were crying but it was tears of joy.

After a while you got out and found Steve in the living room and you just jumped in his arms. Tears in your eyes.
"Thanks Stevie" you said
"Okay what the hell" the team asked
But you didn't care you just hugged steve.
And with a push of adrenaline, you looked at him, his lips and you just kissed him.
"OH GOD FINALLY" Sam screamed.
Steve kissed you back, and the whole team cheered.

"Okay but tell us, how and why ?" Bucky said
"Okay so, 18 years ago my parents died, and that why I was down. I'm sorry Wanda and Nat. For the way I talked to you. I was planning to go to Russia, and hum Steve didn't wanted me to be alone, so he came with me on my parents graves"
The whole team apologized.
"But why this reaction ?" Wanda asked
"Steve found footage of me and my parents and he gave it to me."
"But why did you kiss him"
"Because I love him ?" Your eyes went wide, so did the teams ones. Steve looked down at you.
He kissed you and whispered
"I love you too. More than anything"

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