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  A/N: Welcome to my first actual Wattpad story! I'll save you all the boring intros and say, I hope you all enjoy reading this. I'll try to update as much as possible but that won't be promised


The bell rung.

The loud obnoxious sounds of yelling barbarians could be heard echoing off the hallways as they progressively got closer and closer to the cafeteria. You got that right. It was lunch time. The cafeteria staff were always prepared for lunch, knowing it would be a ruckus filled with messy kids and annoying voices.

They were somewhat grateful for the quieter kids; not like that made a difference in the loud room. A few kids, like you, always envied the few students who could eat in the library. After all it was first come first serve. And you were never the ones to get there first. But you did know one.

Byun Baekhyun

You didn't know how he did it, but he was always one of the few to be the first to sign up at the library. It added to the mysterious persona he gave off, and everyone in school knew about that. I mean who wouldn't. He was an odd specimen in your eyes.

It was rumored that he never ate actual food since he was always seen eating a piece of candy. Whether it be something as simple as sucking on a lollipop, to him eating a deluxe chocolate bar. It was always something candy related. But you found it rather strange. If he only ate candy, wouldn't he be fatter than most kids in the school? Wouldn't his teeth be falling out and wouldn't he be losing health.

There's no way he's only living off of candy and still looks so breathtakingly gorgeous. His hair was always slicked back in its neat style. His body shape as perfect as it can get, no flaw in it whatsoever. And the final blow; his face. You knew most people could agree that he was handsome. It's impossible really. You try to at least eat a good three meals a day and you still looked......not so great.

And it really made you believe he was a creature from another dimension. Or he only ate his meals at home. You've imagined him living in a gingerbread house quite a lot but let's not discuss that.

"Y/n?" Your thoughts were rudely interrupted by one of your best friends. You realized that you were still standing in front of the cafeteria door, your thoughts in a frenzy. Almost giving yourself whiplash, you quickly swung your head around to the person in question. And just as you suspected, it was your giant friendly dog; also known as Chanyeol.

He towered over you as he gave you his iconic cheesy grin, a smile you'd never fail to smile back at. Behind him were your other two friends who were just as confused. Sehun stood there with his usual blank stare, but his eyes showed you all the emotions the rest of his face couldn't. And beside him was Yoohyeon, her brown locks done messily in two braids. Her eyes lit up once she noticed me glance at her.


"Are we going to eat lunch or are we just going to stand here like dummies while everyone else eats up all the food." Chanyeol questioned, not so subtly glancing back into the lunch room.

"I think she got caught up in her little thoughts again!" Yoohyeon giggled softly.

You rolled your eyes playfully and advanced into the hell like place you called the cafeteria. Immediately halting in your tracks as a piece of meat was flung right in front of you, hitting someone across the cafeteria.

A sigh left your lips as you pinched your nose in annoyance.

"Those library kids are one hell of a lucky bunch." Chanyeol murmured behind you.

"No shit Sherlock." Sehun interjected. 

"Let's just hurry up and find a damn table." You yelled through the shouts of the other students. 

  "I. Am. Stuffed." You flew your hands in the air, a satisfied smile planted on your lips. Lunch was going to end soon and you were glad you finished before next period.

"Hi Stuffed! I'm Yoohyeon!" She stuck her hand out towards you and you just gave her one of those looks, lightly slapping her hand away. A tiny pout formed on her lips. 

"If you're Stuffed, then I'm Full." Chanyeol chuckled at his tiny comment.

 You were ready to say a snarky comment before the cafeteria got a lot quieter than usual. And that was rare.....unless—

 "It's Bacon." 

Your eyes hurriedly scanned the room before it landed on said boy. Which surprised you ten folds. He never comes in here and when he does, it's usually for when he runs out of candy for the day. By the way, that's never.

"Looks like gingerbread man ran out of treats." Sehun remarked, his tone void of any playfulness. His eyes glowered at the male walking towards the lunch line. 

Something you never understood was why Sehun always looked at Baekhyun like he wanted to strangle him. He called him names quite often and always gave him the stinky eye when he walked by. Sehun never told you why and you didn't have the patience to find out.

Every eye was on the brunette which would've made you extremely uncomfortable. Imagine being stared down and whispered at every single day just because of your food preference. Even though you couldn't be hypocritical and say you never did it, it must suck having to be talked about on a daily.

The candy lover slid a crisp bill over to the cafeteria lady as she handed him a few bags of sweets. It consisted of mostly lollipops, but also a few mini candy bars. He took his belongings and smoothly walked back towards the entrance of the cafeteria, not sparing anyone a glance. And once he was gone, the sounds of laughter and chatter resonated all throughout the lunchroom as if Baekhyun was never here.

"People change up so quick." Chanyeol laughed, playing with his fork in between his slender fingers. 

"You got that right." You mumbled whilst taking a sip of your juice.

 The ring of the bell alerted everyone for next period, causing us to get up and leave. Your tallest friend threw an arm around your shoulder, putting most of his weight on it.

"Ack! Hey! Do you know how much you weigh?!" 

"Less than you." 

"You know I hate you right?"

"You know I love you right?"

His comment had you smile a tad. He's right, he loved you and you loved him. As friends of course. You loved your little group you had and you wouldn't trade that in for anything else. They were sweeter than any candy you could ever have.


  A/N: How was it??? Any opinions on Baekhyun so far ^.^

A/N(2023): Omg my writing was actually ass???😭😭👏🏽 I might need to re-edit this monstrosity.

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