🍬chαptєr 8🍬

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"W-what?" You whispered, still trying to catch your breath. He really knocked all the air out of you.

"You make me feel..weird." His breath hit your neck. It sent shivers throughout your body.

"By weird you mean?" You placed both of your hands on his shoulder, pushing him back slightly so you were looking into his pretty brown eyes.

"My body always feels so hot around you. And I get uncontrollable tingles that spread all throughout my body." He sighed, still gazing into your hues. You gaped slightly, noticing him glance down at your lips once more.

"I'm sorry?" You honestly didn't know how you'd approach that. It was weird hearing that from a new friend so it caught you off guard especially. What were you supposed to say anyhow? Oh I feel that way about you too. Let's get married.

No way in hell. The things you felt for Baekhyun was everything you'd feel for Chanyeol and the others. This was all to help him out, and you had no problem with that.

"Don't be. You can't control my feelings." He sounded defeated and confused, hesitatingly glancing away from you. And you stayed silent, not knowing what to do.

"I'll get off now." 

You scooted back, lifting a leg over so you were now standing up. The air wasn't at all comforting but you figured your work here was done. For now.

"Make sure you eat something Candy Boy." You placed a hand on his shoulder. He fidgeted around in his seat, you knew he wanted to tell you something. "You have anything else to say before I head out?" You approached cautiously. 

"Well, the thing is.." 

A smile tugged on your lips. His entire demeanor changed over the past few weeks. He went from being this chill laid-back guy that always smirked around you, to a flustered boy who would react to the slightest of touches. It also shocked you how fast he'd change in front of others, like when he shouted at the cafeteria.

And how he'd easily dominate over you when it came to..kissing. He was no joke.

You've said this once and you'll say it again. He really is a strange specimen.

Did you really have that much of an affect on him? To think someone as simple and boring as yourself made this kid needy for something as weird as your lips?

"Spit it out." You chuckled.

"Can I get a kiss after I finish?" His eyes looked everywhere besides your own. He picked at his fingers nervously.

"It's my job after all?" You really had to get used to it. Who knows how many times he'd want one.

The way his eyes lit up almost made you engulf him in a tight hug. He quickly whipped out a variety of treats and you didn't question it. It was Baekhyun after all.

You noticed how his face scrunched up as he ate the candy. If anything you would think his eyes would be full of joy. But it's as if the taste bothered him more than ever.

"Is this why you're not eating candy anymore? Does it not appeal to you like it used to?" You cocked up an eyebrow.

He popped a few Smarties into his mouth and he nodded.

"Ever since I kissed you, nothing tasted the same. It's still better than normal food.." He whispered the last part under his breath. A scowl formed on his face.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing important." 

Time flew by fast. You didn't realize that he'd already eaten 8 pieces of candy until you glanced over at the pile of wrappers.

You're My Candy || Baekhyun♡Where stories live. Discover now