🍬chαptєr 3🍬

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One week later...

You sat in your science class quietly tapping the bud of your pencil against your notebook. There were a few minutes till lunch and you were more than starving. But knowing your teacher was talking about absolutely nothing, you let your mind wander.

It's been a week since you last talked to Baekhyun. And it didn't bother you at all. It's not like you expected to become close acquaintances after your little chat at the convenience store. 

But everything has been normal, he didn't try talking to you nor you him. You'd meet with your friends everyday like you always did and went through the boring school day on cycle. Although, you did notice how nervous Chan had been lately. It was almost like he was flustered to be around you sometimes.

You'd see your other two friends whispering and giggling a lot when they saw the situation. A question mark always surrounded your head but you chose not to think too much on it knowing that it could easily be your friends being......well themselves.

Other then that, nothing major has happened in your boring life and you'd kinda wanted to keep it that way. Anything more than what you already had now would make you stress yourself out more than you already are. And no one needed that now.

"Ms. L/N? Are you even paying attention right now?!" Your teacher, Mr. Choi, exclaimed. You noticed how his entire face started turning cherry red and it took everything to not burst out laughing.


You made the wrong choice saying that for sure.

"Then repeat what I just said word for word." He crossed his arms with an enraged face. 


Your hand automatically went to slightly tapping the person next to you but all they did was laugh uncontrollably.

"Uh—you said that—y-you see....the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell?" You pulled the first thing from the top of your head. And based on the snickers of your classmates and the even more frustrated teacher, you knew you fucked up.

"So you wouldn't mind meeting me after class?"

They were serving mozzarella sticks today. This couldn't get any worse.

"Yes sir." You mumbled quietly.

You slouched down in your seat accepting your fate. The amount of times your thoughts had gotten you in trouble is ridiculous. The curious eyes of students looking back at you made you dig yourself further into your arms.

"You should've saw that one coming." The recognizable voice of your desk partner rang in your ears. Suho.

"And thanks for helping me back there" You sarcastically remarked.

"No problem dearest." 

You grunted, laying your head on the side so you could stare at the male. You squinted your eyes in contemplation as you wondered why he didn't help you. All he could've did was whisper what the teacher said but no.

"If you're wondering why I didn't help you, it's because you needed to look at reality; not always getting stuck in your long thoughts." 

You pursed your lips, putting your head back into your arms.

He's right. But you wouldn't ever admit that to him. You still had something called dignity if you last recalled.

"Whatever." It came out muffled against your arms. You felt his hand reach out and pat your back softly. 

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