🍬chαptєr 14🍬

236 8 7

"Are you sure you're comfortable sleeping here? I can call someone to-"

"It's alright Y/n! It's pretty late either way." He looked at the clock that read 10:45. We were up longer than you had thought. 

"Then you don't mind sleeping in my room? If my mom sees you on the couch she just might have a heart attack." You chuckled as you started to head to your room. Baekhyun followed closely behind you, hesitant on entering.

"S-sleeping in a girl's bedroom. Do you feel comfortable Y/n.." The boy gulped as he started to rub at his nape.

"I know you wouldn't do anything while I'm knocked out." You smiled at him. He immediately thought back to what you did to him in your sleep.

"Definitely not."

"Well then, welcome to my room!

"Well then, welcome to my room!

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"It looks so pretty.." He whispered under his breath. His fingers trailed over the countless pillows and cushions covered in fur and feathers. It felt soft to the touch. "Can I really sleep here!" He asked, voice filled with excitement.

"Jeez, you love my room more than I do." You giggled as you flopped yourself on the bed. "And of course you can sleep here! I'll give you the bed and I'll sleep in this floating chair thingy." You stood up and gestured to the sphere next to the bed.

"No I'll sleep there, you can have your bed Y/n."

"Look how tiny this thing is! You'll probably break it if you attempted to sleep in it." You snickered.

"But I'll feel bad.."

"Okay how about this. Why don't we both use the bed? It's big enough for both of us and there's plenty of room." You suggested, sitting down on one end.

The brunette could feel his cheeks turning real hot. All the things he imagined earlier entered his head once more.

"I-I don't think t-that's-"

"That settles it! I'll be locking my door just in case my mom wants to peek in." Before you could do that, you remembered something. "Oh! You need something to wear! I'll go find something from my dad's closet." You ran out the room, leaving Baekhyun to his wild thoughts.

He stood in the middle of the room, rethinking what you said. Sleeping in the same bed. For a whole night. Alone. There was no reason for his body to react this way. 

There's nothing bad in doing this. He just hoped you didn't have another wet dream or he'd really be screwed tonight.

"Fuck me.."

"I'm back Baek! I figured you could wear your t-shirt to bed so I just brung a pair of shorts. I hope it'll suffice." You grinned.

"Thanks Y/n..." He held the soft fabric in his grasp, looking for a place to change.

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