🍫chαptєr 4🍫

111 5 1

Two Weeks Later..

It was finally time; as if the universe was purposefully making these two weeks go by slower. Although now it was happening. You were getting a few steps closer to adulthood and today was that first step among the rest.

The move to your college dorm was today and you couldn't be any more excited yet slightly anxious. It would be a completely different environment with thousands of other people you've never set eyes on before. 

That was a major shift.

However, it's not time to think about that right now. You still needed to finish packing your luggage before departure.

The house was eerily quiet this morning without your uncontrollably rampant boyfriend. This had to be one of the only times he wasn't present at your house. The guy practically lived here.

You sighed in boredom, throwing a random article of clothing in the suitcase. "I already miss him." You mumbled to yourself, feeling a bit more clingy than he usually was.

You sluggishly fell back on your bed, but jumped a bit when your head came in contact with something a bit hard. You rolled around, instantly figuring out what the strange object was and a smile grew on your face in seconds.

It was Baek's gift. The one that always brought a silly grin to your lips. You held it up in your hands, still remembering that day as if it was yesterday. 

You finally shut the door to your house after hours of partying. Everyone left and your mom had went to sleep a while ago, leaving you with a messy house and—

"Everyone's gone!?" Baekhyun came up from behind you giddily, trapping you in a back hug. 

Everyone but Baek of course.

You heaved a sigh, a tired smile barely finding itself on your face. It was safe to say that you were exhausted. Everything from Yoohyeon's loud ass voice, Chanyeol's constant bickering, and Baekhyun's excessive showcase of PDA. 

"Yes, everyone besides you." You said in a hushed voice, keeping in mind your sleeping mother in just the next room over. 

The brunette giggled softly, squeezing your waist slightly. "Of course! I've been wanting to personally give you my gift."  His warm breath tickled the nape of your neck, a shiver running throughout your body.

"Well I'm waiting." You said knowingly.

Baekhyun quickly let go, a tiny curse flying pass his lips as he skidded down the hall. You chuckled at his behavior, slowly making your way over to the couch; keeping in mind the amount of junk that littered the floor.

As you made yourself comfortable, Baekhyun had somehow already teleported in front of you with his hands hidden behind his back; a cheeky grin decorating his lips. His eyes bounced around your features, becoming more fidgety in his movements.

"You spent all that time hiding it but now you don't wanna show me?" You laughed, crossing your legs on the couch. 

"I-It's just—! I don't know if you'll like it.." He trailed off, finally glancing away from you. 

"Knowing that you handmade it makes it all the more special. Just hurry and show me!" You whisper shouted jokingly, attempting to look behind his back.

"First! Close your eyes." He declared, not moving until the task was complete. You stared up at him in disbelief, eventually doing what he asked of you.

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