🍬chαptєr 25🍬

120 3 10

"Hey, Y/n?"

"Hm? Is this Kyungsoo?" You looked at the ID of the caller and it was definitely the penguin man. But why was he calling you?

 It was already Friday and school ended around an hour ago. This meant that it's already been three days since the punishment. Baekhyun seemed to be doing fine in class too. At least, you thought he was.

He was a tad bit more quiet than he usually was but it was nothing to worry about. Nothing about his behavior concerned you at all. Three days and he was surprisingly more calm than you thought he'd be. Even yesterday went by pretty fast, especially after you forced him to apologize to Chanyeol once school ended. Over the phone of course.

 It made you think the test was actually working so that boosted your mood even further. Everything was smooth sailing.

"Ah yes. Sorry for calling you like this. I need to t-talk to you about something." He said quietly, his voice wavering a bit. This sent you on alert immediately.

"What is it? Everything okay?" You asked with the same amount of quietness in your voice.

"It's about...Baekhyun." He sighed.

That told you one of two things. He's calling to tell you Baekhyun was tearing up the whole place and lighting it on fire while he screamed everyone's head off— or he was doing just peachy! You prayed it was the latter.

"What about him..?" You hesitated.

"I—well you know—" A booming crash interrupted him from his side. You raised an eyebrow, getting even more curious about the situation. But you knew it was nothing to brag about.

"Hurry the fuck up D.O!!" Another voice came from the background, and you could barely make it out as Suho's. You didn't think he had that type of voice on him.

"O-okay!" He sighed again, his tone more agitated. "Did you guys breakup? There's no reason for him to be acting like this again unless he was deprived of that like last time.

"Breakup?! That's the last thing I'd do! Did Baek tell you that?" You bit your lip, worried for the boys.

"He didn't say anything but it sure looks like it. He's trashing the place again. You know how he gets when he's gone three days without it." You could hear the stress in his voice, and that wasn't something you'd normally hear from him.

"Fuck—I should've told you guys sooner since this could've happened." You groaned, grabbing your keys and heading out the door. You were going to have to run there. It was a bit chilly out but the adrenaline kicked in right on time.

"Tell us what. Did he do something?"

"Long story short, he beat up someone and now he's on punishment." You huffed, feeling the wind hit your skin. You took in a gulp of air, having to stop because of the cars on the road.

"What the fu— he never tells us these things! And when was he even capable of doing that?!" He raised his voice slightly but you knew he was beyond frustrated.

"Yeah I know. Now he's not allowed to touch or kiss me for a week." You chuckled whilst jogging towards the hangout.

"A week?! Are you crazy Y/n!? He can barely last two days and what— a week!!" He yelled, laughing in disbelief. "Do you want us to die?" He whispered lowly. It seemed like a threat in some way but you pushed that aside.

"Do you think it's really that bad? I believe in Baekhyun!" You tried to convince him. It was more  you trying to convince yourself. 

"Y/n. I want you to think about this logically. Remember the first time you saw him going feral? Do you remember? That was just three days, like now." He pressed. 

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