chapter forty-two: script reading

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"Our maknae is gonna act~" Taeil sings as he and the others send him out for the script reading because after that, they'll be having their own schedule.

Donghyuck smiles but, he can't really say he's very excited for it.

"Bye, Haechan!" Johnny bids and the lad exits the van, accompanied by his own manager and they watch as the vehicle drive away.

Hyuck's manager checks the information given. "The place is just a few levels up. Make sure your face is hidden until we get there, we don't want any news about the drama and its casts spilling."


The elevator stops at the fourth floor of the entertainment and broadcast company and they walk out, still very confidential with their identities until they reach the meeting room.

"Oh! Looks like our last main cast is here!" The producer exclaims when Hyuck enters alone since other staff members that aren't relevant aren't allowed in.

Donghyuck bows slightly and scans the rest of the actors and actresses whose identities are still concealed and he furrows, confused.

"You can sit down there. Alright. Now, since we're all already here, time to get to know each other. You can take off your masks and caps," the director then, ushers and one by one, the cast starts to reveal their identities.

Benign smiles are on their faces as they recognise each other but, what they don't expect is to see two very familiar people who they, or more accurately, the media, deems as 'hot topic' and maybe even, 'scandalous.'

Eunwol and Donghyuck meet eyes and for a moment there, they freeze- their thoughts, their breaths, their motions, everything.

But, the girl quickly turns away after offering a smile and honestly, it breaks his heart to see.

"Okay, before we have our script reading session, I was thinking of a little icebreaking so we would be able to familiarise with each other, get a bit more comfy so the reading would turn out smooth and natural.
"Gun Joo, starting from you," their producer suggests and gestures for the said actor to start.

He grins at the rest, trying to not constantly shift his eyes between Donghyuck and Eunwol who sit at opposite sides of the round table.
"Hello, my name is Jung Gun Joo, my main profession is acting and my role in this drama is to be the older bestfriend of the main male lead. I anticipate us working together."

Others clap softly at his introduction and this goes on until, it reaches Eunwol.

She smiles brightly and Hyuck stares, yearning to just run to her as the realization of how much he actually, misses her, dawns on him.

"Hi, my name is Eunwol but, I mostly go by Moon now since it's my stage name. I am a rookie idol who just debuted weeks ago and I act as the female lead," Eunwol, or Moon, stands and bows at her seniors. "I'm thankful for this opportunity and glad to meet you all."

And right after her, it's Hyuck's turn.

He clears his throat and glances at Eunwol who is watching him- getting shy so suddenly under her gaze but he quickly diverts his eyes at the realization of others watching him.

"Hello, I'm Lee Donghyuck but, others usually call me Haechan. I am an idol and my character is to be... the male lead," Haechan says and it sends a shocking blow to the cast.

Eunwol and Donghyuck, former lovers whose past relationship ignited conflict and arose articles that spread like wildfire, are now acting as lovers.

Is this why the director is so strict about the cast members' identities being revealed? Is this his great yet, wicked and risky marketing strategy to gain viewers?

Whatever it is, they anticipate the result- hoping that luck will follow and people will lean towards the good.

Donghyuck can see the uncertainty yet, also fascination in the cast's observing eyes and he grins.
"Nice to meet you."

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