chapter fifty-three: cf

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  "Talk about being a diva. A few weeks after your debut and all I see in socials is your face and Haechan sunbae," Minjun teases his same-aged company mate, Eunwol. 

  The girl turns to him with a deadpanned look. "Says the person who went viral for almost burning their camp from roasting sweet potatoes." 

  Minjun emits a forced, sarcastic laugh. "Ya, I debuted earlier than you so show some respect." 

  "And I'm not the criminal who attempted arson," she wittily retorts and he's just about to elbow her when the ad director suddenly, calls for them. 

  Instantly, their moods shift and smiles are on their faces as they approach him side by side. 

  "The casting team made the perfect decision to recruit such breathtaking visuals. Your smiles are undoubtedly refreshing!" Gongnam, the director praises genuinely and the rookie idols turn bashful. 

  They're then, lead to the set and begin their CF shoot, starting with the pictures. 



  Click! Click!

  "Wonderful! Now, hold the product closer to your face!" 


  Donghyuck yawns as he leaves his bedroom for breakfast. His hair is messy and his pajamas are oversized, an adorable combination and he pulls up his sleeves to properly grab his meal before joining his hyungs on the living room couch. 

  The show playing on the television suddenly, stops for a commercial break and the older members watching all emit surprised sounds which the NCT127 unit's maknae decides to ignore- busy with feeding himself breakfast. 

  "Haechan-ah, look! Isn't that Eunwol?" Taeyong gently hits the said lad's thigh and he lifts his head to see the TV. 

  And now he's busy choking on his breakfast at the sight of Eunwol standing close to Minjun. 

  "What is this?" He manages to ask amidst coughs. 

  "It's a commercial for a new brand," Doyoung answers and can't help but chuckle at the obvious height difference between the two rookie idols on screen. Minjun, after all, is among many idols who went viral because of his tall height. 
"They look good." 

  Taeyong turns to Doyoung, slightly worried at the effect his comment might have on Hyuck but their maknae's too occupied with the advertisement to even focus.  

  He watches as the commercial shows Eunwol being completely drop dead gorgeous as she and Minjun ride a bicycle together- her arms encircling his waist while she lays comfortably on his broad back and he smiles endearingly. 

  The journey is smooth until, the camera zooms onto a pebble and the bicycle hits it- causing it to swerve and the two idols fall onto the stone path before dramatically rolling to the grass beside.  

  Minjun groans at the pain on his knee and Eunwol gasps before she pulls out a cold beverage from their picnic basket and presses it against his injury with the bottle's brand perfectly shown.

  Haechan frowns and his grip on his spoon tightens more and more as the film continues. 

  The male rookie smiles at her tenderly as his hand pushes hers away softly to reach into their basket- pulling out a neatly packed cupcake also, owned by the brand, that's slightly messed up from the accident but still, manages to look pretty. 

  Everything seems to annoy Haechan, even the realism although, it usually satisfies him. 

  "Here," Minjun offers.

  Eunwol gasps gleefully at the delicacy and takes a bite- earning a cliche, cream leftover spot on her lip. 

  "You have something here," the male CF actor tells and vaguely gestures to his lip and Eunwol shows confusion. 

  "What?" She asks softly and his hand gently cups her face as he stares down at her sweetly.

  Donghyuck scowls, starting to boil at Minjun's endearing gaze at Eunwol. 

  Why does it have to look so real? Why does it have to have so much affection? And why does it have to look like Minjun and Eunwol are actually enamoured by one another?

  "I'll help you," Minjun whispers lowly before he starts leaning in to her and the three spectators watching have their eyes widened. 

  Just a small gap more, their lips would meet and-

  The advertisement ends.

  Doyoung and Taeyong sigh, strangely relieved for the sake of their youngest unit member and they turn to see him.

  But, he's vanished into thin air... for a few seconds before he shows up again striding to the door- now dressed in casual clothes.

  "Where are you going?" Doyoung asks, utterly puzzled.

  "GALA Entertainment," Hyuck plainly answers and the two older gasp- knowing his plan to meet Eunwol.

  "No, you can't! You'll only get in trouble!" Taeyong tries to stop. "Johnny!"

  Haechan furrows at the sudden call for another member but soon, understands when a long, dark shadow looms over him and a tall, large figure approaches.

  "Huddle!!" Johnny shouts as he flies to Hyuck- tackling him down.

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