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august was always a hard worker. if she wasn't putting 100% of her effort into something, she didn't do it.

she was currently working on approving different animations for a new twitch pre-stream screen. while she sat at her desk and critiqued the videos, she was also sat in a call with both corpse and tina who were doing their own work. the group of three often would be in a call, but not do much talking.

"i should probably get off. karl is finally getting me on the smp and him and george are gonna show me around for a stream." tina said as august saw her lean back and stretch in her seat through the discord call.

"oh nice, have fun. let us know how it goes." corpse responded.

"yeah, let us know." august said, a bit absent minded as she was attempting to perfect her project.

while she was used to overworking herself, this time was a bit different. she was trying to overwork herself as an attempt to avoid thinking about nick, because she honestly didn't know what to think.

part of her was over the moon. a year ago nick was her best friend, so of course she was glad to have him back in her life. but the other part of her was terrified to have him back in her life. he had hurt her. her self esteem was diminished when he left and she couldn't imagine going through that again.

"hello? earth to august." corpse said with his low giggle.

"i'm sorry," she quickly paused the animation. "what were you saying?"

"i was asking how it went with sapnap. did you talk?"

"oh, yeah. we did. we're back on talking terms, i guess. its just still weird, ya know?"

"i know." and he did.

sapnap was the first to introduce corpse and august, but they stuck as great friends despite august and sapnap's falling out. they first met when karl had corpse on the smp. nick was on the phone with august and saw that karl was live. he had been wanting august to meet corpse for a while, so this was the perfect opportunity.

11 months ago

"hello?" nick interrupted as him and august both hopped into the call.

"oh my gosh! guys! quick get on the server." karl instructed.

august had been on the dream smp just a few times. she never saw herself really becoming a regular. her and nick both quickly joined and ran their characters to where everyone else was.

"hi guys! whatcha up to- wait what is wrong with your skin?" august said confused.

"is that hooters bingus?" nick yelled, followed by laughter.

"who is the girl? your voice is so sweet sounding, like a southern belle." corpse gushed over her with a giggle.

"that's august!" karl chimed in. "watch out sapnap."

karl, george, dream, and quackity always had a running joke of teasing sapnap about his apparent crush.

"hi corpse! it's very nice to meet you." august said cheerfully, ignoring that karl was teasing nick.

8 months ago

august didn't hesitate to call corpse at 3 in the morning. their relationship had grown so much that she knew she could call him when she needed him, and she really did need him.

"hey, what's wrong?" he immediately answered concerned.

"it's nick. it's over."

the two sat on the phone for well over an hour. august crying until her heart didn't have the strength to cry anymore and corpse comforting her as well as he could without being there physically. where august always had a nurturing spirit to her and was quick to take care of corpse whenever he needed something, he was now having to take care of her.

"i don't know what to do." she choked out between sobs. she suddenly felt her breathing hitch.

"you have to calm down, you're going to hyperventilate. i'm gonna come to you okay?"

"what do you mean?"

"i mean i'm leaving my house and going to the airport to get on the quickest flight to dallas. i'm not letting you go through this alone."

this was absolutely nerve wracking for both of them. both had yet to let anyone on the internet or in their friend group see their face. they both shared the same fears attached to no longer being able to hide that part of them. but even with the concerns, they both knew that this is what august needed.

so after a few hours of corpse persuading the airline staff to let him onto a last minute plane, the flight from california to texas, and a taxi cab to
her house, august collected herself to anxiously answer the knock on the door. before either person could take in the other's physical details for the first time, corpse quickly pulled her into a hug.

"i'm sorry i couldn't be here sooner."

"i'm just glad you're here." she leaned back, still in his arms, and looked at his face. "i can't believe i am looking at the corpse husband."

"and i'm looking at the august. the internet would flip if they knew how pretty you are." he squeezed her tighter before letting go and following her to the couch.

"oh, um you can know my name now that you've met me if you want. my name is-" he quickly placed his hand over her mouth, causing her to furrow her eyebrows.

"you don't have to do that. i met you as august. just because i know what you look like doesn't change that. you're still my august and i'm your corpse," he said with a soft smile. "now, i need you to convince me to not go and murder sapnap right now."

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