twenty nine

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it felt as though hadden had blinked and twitchcon was over. she felt like a new person leaving.

in the span of just a few days she had met so many of her friends, had her first real interactions with fans, and had went on her first ever date. her mind had yet to fully process all of the events that had taken place.

august | @ augusttweets
leaving twitchcon now i had the best time! if we got to meet reply with our pictures because i want to print some!

august scrolled twitter and her responses to her tweet while she sat in the middle of the airport in between nick and george. george was looking at tiktok and nick was asleep with his head on her shoulder.

while reading the responses one caught her eye.

random | @ randomuser
have you watched teawithtaylors newest video? a lot of people think its about you and sapnap can you confirm?

that was a name that hadden did not enjoy hearing. taylor was another streaming who also did youtube videos occasionally. she got her reputation from being a gossip source for the internet. hadden had saw her once or twice during the convention and made it a goal to avoid her.

"psst," hadden looked up to see george trying to get her attention. "did you know you're trending?"

"i think i know why."

hadden quickly grabbed her airpods and gave one to george before opening youtube and finding taylor's channel. she clicked on the most recent video titled "twitchcon catch up" and the two watched in fear of what would be said.

taylor began with sharing about how grateful she was for the experience and how meeting her fans is her biggest joy and she put on a very nice and pleasant front, but it was only two minutes into the video that the gossip began.

she shared stories of watching certain streamers being rude to waitstaff backstage and refusing to meet with fans and quickly began telling about the newest tea she wanted to spill.

"so i may or may not have watched the birth of twitch's newest power couple. you all know i won't share names to protect privacy but be on the look out for a new minecraft couple that is going to take over. i was in the right place at the right time this weekend because i saw it all unfold. this couple not only showed up to our creator party together, but they proceeded to get drunk together, make out, and leave together. i also saw them sneaking out the back of our hotel one night. they are about to be the next it couple."

george reached over and paused the video.

"it could be anyone." he attempted to reassure.

hadden glanced at nick who was peacefully asleep on her shoulder, unaware that the internet was in shambles over this. the tweets proved it.

random2 | @ randomuser2
sooo we all agree that taylor's video is about august and sapnap?

random3 | @ randomuser3
this has to be about niki and jack

random4 | @ randomuser4
august isn't know for being a mcyt but karl said on stream she got wasted

random5 | @ randomuser5

random6 | @ randomuser6
if you think its anyone besides august and sapnap youre an idiot

"i mean, look at it this way. your next several streams will have so many views because people are looking for a couple announcement." george offered trying to be lighthearted.

"funny, george." hadden rolled her eyes as she turned off her phone to attempt to not think too much about it.

"it'll be okay. most people don't believe taylor anyways. and if they did-" george was cut off my the intercom.

"now boarding flight 249 to orlando, florida."

hadden gentle placed her hand on nick's that was wrapped around her bicep while he slept. she slightly shook it attempting to gently wake him up.

"nick. we're boarding." hadden whispered.

"i'm up." he grumbled as he leaned over to put his head in his hands and wake himself up by rubbing his eyes.

hadden stood and began collecting her things as she watched dream walking back to the group with arms full of snacks for the trip. she sneaked over towards him while nick grabbed his things.

"hey. i know nick wouldn't actually tell me if it was a problem, but are you sure its okay if i stay with you guys for a bit?" hadden asked shyly.

"of course its okay. you help me balance out these idiots so it'll be nice." dream responded nonchalantly.

"dream. august. ready?" george asked as he was already getting in line to board.

without questioning, nick grabbed hadden's carryon from her and the four friends slowly boarded the plane.

a couple of things got mixed up in their tickets and rather than hadden sitting with nick like they had on the way to the convention, he was instead with dream while george was sat with hadden.

"dude just switch with me." nick complained across the aisle to george.

"no way. what if i wanted a turn to sit with your augy? you jealous?" george wriggled his eyebrows before slinging an arm over hadden's shoulders.

hadden held back a laugh to keep nick from being upset.

"its okay nicky. sit with dream and he can keep you company." hadden said trying to offer some comfort.

"his long legs take up my space." he grumbled before sitting back and putting in earbuds.

hadden found herself lacking any flying nerves she may have normally had due to her distraction in listening to george ramble. he kept her on her toes while the two passed his laptop back and forth editing a twitchcon vlog that he wasn't even sure if he wanted to upload.

while she was busy doing this, she couldn't help but peak around george every few minutes to check on nick. he would normally be on his phone or talking with dream, but occasionally when she would check on him he would be looking right back at her, giving a quick soft smile. it was their way of letting the other know they were still thinking about each other, whether they were next to each other or not.

this is what hadden found so special. he had her every thought and it appeared she had all of his as well. she would describe this chapter as sweet. as pure.

the innocence that comes with peaking at each other around their friends just to acknowledge the other's existence seemed to be the consistency they had been met with.

hadden forgot about any anxieties she had with taylor's drama video. she couldn't care less if people thought it was her and nick. part of her did wish that taylor had said their names because she wanted to share this joy she felt with everyone she could.

slow burn; sapnapWhere stories live. Discover now