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3rd pov.
Lui and Valt was stuck in a hole not knowing how to get out and Valt was huging his knees because he was afraid and Lui was trying to figure it out.

Lui: Ok. You're the last person I would trust, but due to circumstances right now, I don't think we have a choice. So what about it, truce? *he said while he was giving a hand to Valt*

Valt: Lui . . . That was big words. *he said while taking his hand*


Valt: Yay! We got out!

Lui: Yeah yeah. And don't you dare tell anyone.

Valt: Alright. But what about Naoki over there. *he said while he was pointing at  Naoki*

Lui: >:|

Naoki: . . .

Lui: 💢

Naoki: *realizing*

Naoki: Look at the time. Goodbye! *running away*

Lui: GET BACK HERE!?!?!? *chasing him* 💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢

Valt: ?????

Cora: VALT?!

Valt: Nee-sama!

Cora was huging Valt tightly as in like her own child was missing.

Mark: Ok ok. Break it up you two.

Cora: Sorry I just miss Valt that's all. *she said while she was squishing his cheeck*

Valt: Nee-sama.

Cora: Heheheh. Anyway let's go home. *she said while carrying Valt in her shoulder back*

Valt: Zzzzzzz.

Mark: Welp atleast Valt is asleep.

Cora: I think I can manage.

Mark: You alway's can manage.

Cora: I alway's can.

Mark: *sighs* Let's just go home.

Cora: And tell them-

Mark: Yes and tell them we found Valt.

Cora: Good.

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