My Oc's Bey Avatars

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A/N: This is Cora and Mark's beys, second its going to an explaination about their powers.

And Au this au is that every Bey avatars can met eachother in their universe. Which I like to call Bey World. And second the main Avatars are going to stay in a Castle while all of them better get used to being together. 🤭

- Croaton is a Knight, with his Sword of light and shield of darkness.

- Croaton is kind, more like an older brother to the other beys.

- Croaton has an evil side, but he is annoying like an ocean. And he uses a Dark syth, which Doomscizor was very confused 'Why Croaton can use a freaking syth like a a PRO?!' he said like that. No bey ever known about his evil side well, except Dragon and Zeus.

- Croaton likes the same color as Cora.

- Croaton's parents are Magenta and Iaconus.

- Croaton is skilled with fighting, combat, cooking, famring, laundry, polishing, magic, potions, cleaning and knows how to care for others.

- Croaton regrets almost killing Luinor and Spryzen but does not regret killing the bullies to Cora, and if a bully comes up to her and beat her up, he calls Dark Crow and they attacked them.

- Croaton owns a farm, he usually go there to escape the madness in the castle.

- Croaton actually stay up all night.

- Croaton knows how to teleport into the Human World.

- Croaton knows every bey avatars died.

- Croaton is actually a half human and half god.

- Croaton is actually a Prince soon to be Emperor.

- Magica is a Mage, with her daggers and potions.

- Magica is big happy girl.

- Magica has NO evil side but a Rage mode.

- Magica likes colors as Mark.

-Magica has NO family but she has a Dad that loved her so much but died to protect her, she got in rage and destroyed everything.

- Magica is skilled with fighting, combat, sheilding her self, knows how to trick anyone and defeat them, sly as a Fox or a Mouse or a Spider?, potions and magic, knows a little but of cooking.

- Magica does not regret killing Luinor, Spryzen and other Bey Avatars, but if their blader's are going to bully him she will make you pay.

- Magica always lock her room.

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