Chapter 17 ⋘

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"We don't know where she is." Admitted Alice while staring at the redhead.

The Cullens, Natasha, and Lauren all found their way towards the Cullen resident at the upsetting News.

"How? How is that possible! You need to know! She can be just... gone!" Natasha stood up to pace up and down. Lauren looked at the ground like a lost puppy, she couldn't even protect her little sister.

"We don't know if she is in danger. What is if she is just out... for a walk?" Asked Bella while straddling Renesmee in her lap.

"She wouldn't leave just like that, never." Gritted Natasha through closed teeth.
She put her hand on her head.
"I-.... I'm going to find her. She can't be far away..."
Before anyone could argue Natasha already left them standing like idiots in the room.

"Okay... we're going to do the same. Follow her scent. Call the others when you found her."


Shaking her head the witch looked around, confused.
"What the..."

Don't break the spell, witchling. 

Wanda's eyes flashed purple again. The girl moved forward. She was standing in the middle of the woods.

Don't even try to run. I need to stay still. Completely still or he will accidentally kill you.

The eyes of the witch are back to their green again. She looked shocked forward when she saw someone standing with a gun pointed at her.

Before she could utter a word a gunshot was heard.

The guy dropped like dead to the ground. Confused the girl looked down. Her hand sliding towards her stomach.

The second she saw the blood she felt it.

Everything in her hurts.

Wanda looked at the sky while dropping to her knees. Still holding her stomach in pain she could lean herself against a tree.
"Ow fuck..."

It was a moment like this when the girl realized she didn't miss getting shot at.


"Did you find her?" Asked Rosalie worried over the phone. She and Lauren teamed up. She called after 25 minutes Alice for an update.

"No, but we won't give u-...." Rosalie heard more mumbling before she dropped her phone.
The Vampire heard a loud bang before she could smell a sweet smell. She knew that scent.
Before she even turned she knew Lauren smelled it too.

Both took off in the direction.

Everyone and everything in this forest would be able to smell that scent.


Wanda was Shaking.
She felt so cold and confused.
At one moment she sat in class. The next she was shot at.

She was sure she would die. Usually, The girl was okay with it. Every time she was in this position she just wished her family would be happy. But she didn't want to die now. She doesn't want to die. She wants to live.

With more pressure on her wound, Wanda clenched her teeth.
She coughed up blood and groaned in pain.

"Wanda! Oh, God... Wanda!" She heard and frantic voice yell for her. A few seconds later she saw wild locks of red before she looked at the face of her worried mother.

"Oh, God... Wan... don't... don't move... don't die on me... okay? Don't die..."
The Russian had tears in her eyes while putting her own hand on the gunshot wound. Putting more pressure on it.

"Mom..." mumbled Wanda smiling softly. Her hand reached out towards her mother's arm.

"Don't.... don't speak. Save your strength. Carlisle is going to come and save you..." Natasha looked down she pulled her Jacket from herself before putting it on the wound.

She wasn't going to let her baby die.

"I'm tired, mom..." mumbled Wanda's weak voice. Her eyes felt heavy.

"Don't go to sleep sweetie... stay awake please..." Natasha looked up when she heard a stick break. Around her stood the Cullens and Lauren.

Lauren looked shocked. Ready to vomit when she got the Chance.

"Natasha, oh God... we need to get her to the Clinic." Mumbled Esme.

Rosalie growled and stepped forward. On her knees next to her mate.

"My love..." mumbled Rosalie worried. Her hand sliding towards her face. She wiped the blood away.

If she could cry, she would do it.

Rosalie didn't realize instantly that she was pulled away and that Edward took Wanda's bridal style.

"Come on, she's going to be okay. Carlisle will take care of it." Mumbled Renesmee. She took her aunt's hand and pulled her with her.

The Cullens and remaining Romanoffs are now seated in the Cullens living room. Every one of them getting ready to help.

"Hey, Little sistra stay awake... Wanda!" Heard Rosalie, Lauren's worried voice.

"Okay, we need to move fast. Edward goes and gets a Blood bag. Alice you're going to assist me. We need to get the bullet out now. Jasper, get everyone out of here."

"Okay... this is not the clinic... but we can do it."

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