Chapter 15: Compassion

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The last few days on the island were nothing more than a bore to you. Unfortunately, you never managed to find Hisoka, and every time you'd check to see if Illumi had woken up, he was always still buried deep in his hole. So the 3 remaining days were very uneventful with you being by yourself. But at least you had the badge you needed, so relaxing before the end of this exam phase was easy.

On the last day, the ship that transported all of the applicants to the island had returned. You heard a woman's voice (who you assumed to be Khara, the guide from earlier) over a loud speaker announcing the end of phase 4. "All remaining applicants please return to the starting point as soon as possible" she said. "You will be given one more hour to make your way back. If you haven't returned by the time the hour is up, you will fail the exam."

Khara continued talking after her explanation for the end of the exam. Something about "exchanging badges", but you weren't really listening, your mind was elsewhere.

"One hour, huh? That's plenty of time to make it back" you said to yourself.

You quickly began climbing a tree. "First I'll have to spot where that boat is..."

Sitting up in that tree felt weirdly normal to you. Come to think of it, you've spent quite a lot of time hiding in the trees of the thick forest the whole time you've been on this island. Laughing to yourself you continued to scan the area.

Finally you spotted where the ship was docked. "I'll head in that direction then," you said, while leaping back onto the ground.


After about 30 minutes of running you finally made it back to the starting point. Upon your arrival, you spotted multiple applicants standing and waiting for the fourth phase to officially conclude. Among them were some familiar faces you were very happy to see (you did spend the last three days alone after all).

As you went to join the group you passed Killua and gave him a quick wave. He nodded back as his way of greeting you. 

Naturally you went and joined Hisoka and Gittarackur who had looked like they'd been there long before you.

"Hey guys" you greeted them.

"(Y/n)~ I've missed that pretty face of yours" Hisoka purred.

This earned him a playful scoff from you but an unamused look from Gittarackur. 

"Unfortunately I can't say the same to you, Hisoka" you jokingly replied to his flirting.

He chuckled but quickly composed himself when he saw the look Gittarackur was giving him.

Gittarackur then looked over to you. "Hello, (y/n)" he waved.

"Hey Illumi!" you smiled.

He shot you a look. Not a bad one, just a look which forced you to realize what you had just said.

"Uhm, Gittarackur, I mean" you corrected yourself. 'Almost forgot how serious he is about hiding his true identity' you thought, while mentally scolding yourself for your screw up.

He smiled. He was appreciative of your effort to keep his identity a secret, even if you did accidentally call him Illumi while he was in disguise sometimes.


About 20 minutes later the last of the applicants arrived at the starting point. Khara began to explain how the fourth phase would finally come to an end. "Now that the remaining applicants have arrived, we will check the badges of everyone here"

She then announced each applicant's number and name, and they showed the badges they had gathered which would allow them to advance to the next phase.

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