Chapter 17: Words Can Hurt

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Immediately Gon lunged around Hanzo. He probably thought he could avoid the ninja using his speed as an advantage. However, he failed to take into account that Hanzo is just as fast as him.

Hanzo quickly moved right next to Gon, matching his speed with his own. Then he delivered a quick yet lethal blow to the back of Gon's neck. He essentially karate chopped the poor kid, which caused Gon to fall face first onto the cold floor.

The crowd filled with gasps. Most were probably shocked at Hanzo's merciless fighting style (he was fighting a child after all).

You cringed. The pain Gon is feeling must be immense. Just the thought of being whacked like that was enough to tense you up.

As the other participants stood and watched, Hanzo lifted Gon off the ground and cracked his back into place. He mumbled something to him about them "being on different levels".

"You'd better surrender now," Hanzo suggested.

"Now way" Gon struggled to speak.

Hanzo hit him on the side of his head. "If you surrender now, you'll still be in good shape for the next round. This is no time for being stubborn. Surrender"

'Jeez this guy doesn't play around' you thought.

Gon hesitated before he confidently refused again. "Who's ever going to do that?!" he shouted.

He attempted to stand but Hanzo punched him in the stomach. "Don't push yourself, Gon!" another participant called out. "You'll have another chance!"

"Kid's got the motivation to keep fighting, but it'll get him nowhere if he keeps getting beat up like this" you said. "He's not going to give up anytime soon though, that I know for a fact"

Hanzo delivered another blow to Gon, this time with a kick to his stomach. You tensed up, that must hurt like hell.

You'd never thought you would actually be this interested in their battle, let alone either of the participant's victory. Yet, here you were mentally cheering for the spikey haired boy to win.

'Don't give up just yet, Gon' you thought.

Did anyone else get sad watching Gon get beat up during this scene? :(


The battle continued on like this for the next three hours. Hanzo would pummel Gon to the ground, yet the boy refused to surrender. The floor was already covered in blood, and Hanzo would sure enough paint it even more if Gon didn't forfeit the match.

Hisoka and Gittarackur seemed to have lost interest in the fight a while ago, much like many of the other participants.

"How much more of this can he take?" you asked.

"I don't know (y/n), but I feel as if this won't be over for a while" Gittarackur responded.

"Hm" you hummed in response. 'For some reason I really don't want this kid to lose...'

One of the participants had finally lost it. "Enough already!" a tall guy with glasses called out to Hanzo. "Or I'll kill you! I'll take his place and fight you!"

"If you can't stand this then leave. It's only going to get worse" Hanzo calmly replied.

'Harsh... but he has a point' you thought.

"What?!" the guy from earlier was even angrier now that Hanzo had replied with such a blunt (and rather cold) statement. He began to enter the center of the arena, only to be stopped by the other referees who were standing watch.

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