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"JJ, hey! Wait up." I struggled to catch up, chasing after him.

I caught my breath as he stopped and leaned against a tree. He looked out into the water. He messed with his hat, adjusting it. His blonde hair was barely able to contain itself under the hat, he really needed a haircut. Not really, it suited him well.

"JJ, talk to me."

"You know exactly why I'm upset." I heard him light up, a puff of smoke coming from his mouth shortly after. "So, you're into John B?"

"I never said I was into John B. And even if I was, why does it matter to you?" I crossed my arms, waiting for him to turn around.

"It just does. Okay?" He puffed the joint again, inhaling a lot more than the first time.

"Are you gonna share?" I step up to be shoulder to shoulder with him.


"On what? JJ, not that it matters but I didn't kiss him back." I sat down in the grass with the joint in between my fingers.

He slowly slid down the tree to be sitting next to me.

"It sure looked like you were."

"I swear I wasn't. I told him I didn't feel that way about him. I practically broke his heart into pieces, you should've seen the look on his face." I puffed the joint, following a lot of coughing after I exhaled.

"Give me that, dweeb. You're seriously coughing? Thought you were a certified stoner by now?" JJ takes the joint from my fingers, taking the last bit of it that was left before pushing it into the ground.

"Dweeb? What are you, 13? But seriously, why does it matter? Quit ignoring it. Do you have a little crush on me, JJ?" He kept his eyes on the water, not even blinking.

"No, I just know him and he would hurt you. I can't stand seeing you hurt." His eyes looked over me for the first time since he ran off, and they looked like they were full of tears.

"Are you about to cry on me? JJ Maybank crying? This is a sight I thought I'd never see."

"I'm being serious, Rach. For once, let me be serious." He pushes into my shoulder and looks back to the water.

"I'm sorry. I don't like him, I have my eyes on another boy. Plus, he's like my big brother. I couldn't." I shivered at the thought, me dating John B? No way.

"Another boy, huh? Pope?" He chuckles at the thought, or maybe it was the weed finally getting to his brain.

"No, not Pope and I'm not telling you." I get up, throwing my shirt to the ground.

I stood up to shimmy out of my shorts and his eyes widen.

"You're finally stripping for me? Thought I'd never get the pleasure." He puts his arms behind his head, thinking he was getting a show.

"No, I'm going for a swim you perv. Care to join?" I hold out my hand for him.

He hesitates for a moment but eventually grabs it. A smile appeared on his face as he threw his hat and shades to the ground. I felt his fingers wrap around me as we ran out to the beach. I let my toes sink into the sand below me and feel the cold, morning water flow over my feet.

"It's freezing."

"Freezing? You're such a puss." JJ's hand drops out of mine and he runs out into the water, laying down in the water. He runs his fingers through his hair, letting the water take him out.

Hurricane- JJ Maybank (Outer Banks)Where stories live. Discover now