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I heard mumbling as my eyes begin to open. The sunlight once again was blinding my vision. The mumbling soon turned into arguing. John B calling off the whole treasure hunt, staying out of the marsh, not going back into the wreck. I could tell the others were concerned and upset. I pretended to keep my eyes closed so I didn't have to be involved. I didn't like fighting and it seemed like it was all we did nowadays.

"She'll help me out if I stay out of the marsh. She'll keep DCS off me."

"And you believed her?" JJ sounded snarky.

"Yes, I believe her, JJ."

"You believe the cops?"

"All I gotta do is stay out of the marsh for a few days and she'll help me out!" He pauses for a moment. "It doesn't help that your ass was the one out shooting a gun." John B threw something, startling me.

"You know what I should've done? I should've let Topper drown your ass. He was hurting the both of you. I wasn't letting him take both of you down. Hell, we almost lost Rach." I could tell the tone in his voice changed as I felt someone's hand run over my hair, pushing it out of my face.

"You really think he was gonna drown me?" John B sounded almost doubtful that he would've.

"It sure looked like it. Have you looked in a mirror?" JJ threw something, causing my eyes to open.

"Hey, you're awake." Kie's soft voice soothed me as she continues to play with my hair.

"She is?" I heard JJ call from out in the yard, hearing sticks crunching as he stepped up on to the patio.

He walks over to me, bending down on his knees next to Kie.

"Hey. Are you feeling okay? Do you need anything? Water, a snack, a j?" He started rambling as I breathed out loudly.

"Hey, J." I laughed as my voice sounded like shit. I looked to Kie and back to JJ.

"I think you might've swallowed some salt water, your throat looks really dry. Let me get you some water." Kie gets up, leaving JJ and I alone on the patio.

He moves over to Kie's seat, pulling hair out of my face. His fingers ran through my long dark hair, pulling knots out gently.

"Hey, I just wanna say that I'm sorry about everything. I bet you think I'm an idiot. I should've listened to you. I don't know what I was thinking but when I saw him put his hands on you and he was drowning John B, I lost it. I should've just let it go."

"J, it's okay. Am I happy about it? No. But you saved us. You really did. Just please be careful next time."

"I hope there isn't a next time. I will literally kill the next person who puts their hands on you."

"I'm hoping there isn't a next time either but in case there is, don't kill anyone, okay?"


"Not even for me."

He sighed, falling back into the chair as Kie came back out with a glass of water. John B and Pope slowly followed.

"They always win. Pogues versus Kooks. It's always them." JJ slammed his hand down, startling me once again.

"Hey, it's okay. It's okay." Kie called, handing me a glass of water.

"No, it's not! Topper literally would've killed John B and could've hurt Rachel even more if I didn't stop them. It's not fair! There's something down in the marsh that's valuable and that's why they don't want us going down there and you know it." JJ points to John B. "And I understand why you don't wanna go. You're the golden boy, you've got way too much to risk. And you- I mean you're already rich as fuck anyway." He goes down the line, talking to Pope and Kie. He looks to me with regret in his eyes.

Hurricane- JJ Maybank (Outer Banks)Where stories live. Discover now