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"John B, I swear this ain't what it looks like." JJ wiped his face, blood running down his chin.

Must've cut open my lip again. I wiped my lip, listening to what he had to say.

"So you're saying you guys are just macking on each other for fun?"

JJ nodded, shaking the dust and dirt from his legs.

"Are you guys okay?" John B was quick to check my face, seeing the blood from my lip.

"Well, Pope sunk Toppers boat the other night because he beat us up. Shoupe came to arrest him but we took the fall, and our parents took it out on us." I felt a pain in my chest, why had JJ told him it wasn't what it looked like? Was he embarrassed? Was he just playing with me?

"What? Why?"

"Because Pope doesn't deserve to be arrested, he's got so much to live for. Me? Not so much. I'm just a piece of shit that drinks and smokes my way through the week."

"J, don't say that."

"It's true. I'm not sure why you took the fall. It should've just been on me, okay?"

"I wasn't letting you go alone. You don't deserve this either." I saw the cuts on his neck and side of his face.

Some were from Rafe, the rest from his father. I just sat and scratched my neck.

"JB, the cops are gonna be at your place. We gotta lay low."

"What? Why?"

"Peterkin pulled me aside in the jail and showed me that those guys who beat up Lana and tried to shoot at you guys, and the ones that raded your place, were found dead. Torn to pieces."


"Yeah, she knows about the Royal Merchant."

"Damnit." John B had his head in his hands.

"Let's get to your boat. Okay?"

I followed slowly behind them as we walked into the marsh. I saw the cop car in John B's driveway. JJ was in fact right. The water got really high and I had to start swimming because I was much shorter than the boys. It was just their heads poking out from the water. JJ lifted his bag above his head, sitting on top of his hat. I couldn't help but laugh, even though I was kind of pissed at him.

"There's some things I have to tell you guys." John B said as he started the boat and started driving off.

"Yeah? Like where the hell have you been?" JJ was ringing out his tank top.

"Okay, please don't freak out. I was with Sarah Cameron."

"You were with who?" JJ and I said simultaneously.

"Don't worry, I'm just using her to get the map for the gold. That's why we need to go to Midsummers and give her this note." He held up a piece of paper.

"How do you expect us to get into midsummers?"

"I have a plan."

"Oh great." I sighed, this wasn't going to end well.

"I have a change of clothes for you two. JJ, you can get in there and give her the note. Rach, you just gotta sit still and look pretty, okay? Keep watch for me, I don't want any of those kooks to ruin this."

"Standing still and looking pretty? Seriously?"

"Not that hard, considering it's you." JJ looked me up and down, winking.

I just rolled my eyes as I watched John B give him a high five.

"Not funny."

The boat stops right outside of the building. I saw the lights and heard soft music. You'd never catch me here, ever.

"So, what's my costume?" JJ dug into a bag and saw a tux. It looked like he would be a waiter at some fancy restaurant.

"Oh you're going to look so hot, JJ." I moaned jokingly.

"Imma need help taking this off later if you're down."

"Yep, I signed myself up for that comeback."

He pulls out a tight red dress. It looked a bit too formal for this.

"Where's my flower crown?"

"It's in there." John B said.

JJ pulled out a white rose crown. I knew Kie told me she had to wear one so I guess we'd be matching. He set it down beside me before taking off his tank top, setting his hat on the ground. I couldn't help but look at him, seeing that his ribs were bruised.

"You like what you see, cupcake?"

"J, did your dad do that?"

"Yep, nothing he hasn't done before." He sighed, pulling on the long sleeve, the tie resting on his neck.

"Here, lemme help you." I tied the tie as he buttoned his shirt. He just kept his eyes ahead, not looking to me.

"Here." John B covered up a spot on the boat with his shirt, hovering it in the air. "For you to get dressed."

"Thank you, kind sir." I bowed before stepping up into the boat and ripping my wet clothes off.

The dress was definitely going to be tight so I slipped off my undergarments and slipped into the dress quickly, pulling the straps up. I maneuvered my breasts to fit into it and stepped off the boat. I hated wearing dresses and was much into just wearing oversized shirts with shorts. John B dropped the shirt, his jaw practically hanging wide open.

"Good choice on the dress, JB." JJ nudged into his shoulder, licking his lips.

I slipped the flower crown on, pushing my slightly damp hair. JJ ran his hands through his hair.

"You need help taking that off later, give me a call." He winked again, with a large smile on.

"Can you zip it for me?"

Both of the boys were quick to run to help, but JJ's hand touched my back first. I felt his soft fingers pull the zipper up, making me gasp. It definitely was tight.

"I feel violated."

"Why? You're gorgeous." John B says as I turn to face them.

"Isn't it a bit too fancy?"

"No, you just aren't used to wearing anything nice."  JJ reaches down for my hand.

"Wow, thanks."

"Now, give this to Sarah and get the hell out of there. Don't make a scene."

"Don't make a scene, got it." JJ said as I wrapped his hand in mine.

"You sure about that?"

Hurricane- JJ Maybank (Outer Banks)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora