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I felt all of the memories flood back into my mind, feeling a pain in my side. I was beginning to feel like I couldn't breathe. She just sat in front of me, staring into my soul. She walked towards me and I felt my entire body flinch, but she walked into my arms. Her head rested in the crook of my neck. She was crying, pulling me into her. I had never felt this kind of affection from anyone, besides JJ. She never had been like this before, not even when I was a child.

"You had me scared half to death! Where the hell have you been?" She was beginning to raise her voice and I backed away.

"Mom, you knew exactly where I was. You told me to get the hell out. To never come back. What are you doing here?"

I saw her expression change when she looked to JJ. Her eyes were filled with tears and what looked like built up rage. I moved over to block him.

"Rachel, I didn't mean it. I need you. I'm sorry." She tried to walk forward but I moved back again, leaning up against my bed.

She looked around the room, seeing all of my things and some new things. She kept looking behind my shoulder to see JJ. She saw all of his things on his side of the room and looked back to me.

"I'm sorry isn't going to cut it anymore. We're way past that. I was in the hospital and you never came to visit me. I thought you were out of my life forever. Isn't that what you want?" I felt my voice beginning to crack. Why was she here? Why was she doing this?

"I got a call from the hospital. They said you accused Rafe? He would never lay a hand on anyone, he cares for you." She tried to reach out to me but I shifted.

"Rafe did. He assaulted me, he beat me. I was internally bleeding. I almost died. He shot JJ. He almost died because of him. Rafe is the one you need to worry about. He lives right next door."

"I told you with being with these pogues, you'd get into trouble. I'm so glad you're okay. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You aren't listening to me. Rafe shot JJ. JJ almost died protecting me. He's not the one you need to worry about. He cares about me, he loves me. He took care of me when you never did. I hate you. You ruined me, you ruined my life. I'm done being hurt." Tears began to stream down my face and JJ slips his hand over mine on the bed.

"Maybe if you weren't with him, Rafe wouldn't have to come between everyone. That's what hanging out with a Maybank does to you."

"Get out. Get the hell out." I spit in her face, pushing her body back.

"Don't you dare lay a hand on me."

"Lay a hand on you? All you ever used to do was beat me! Ever since dad left. I'm sorry he realized you were an awful wife and an awful mother but that's on you. Not me. Get out of my house."

"You don't get to talk to me like that, young lady. We're leaving, you're coming with me." I felt her hand grab my arm tightly, trying to pull me out.

JJ stood up, coming over to me. He grabbed me, pulling me back towards him.

"You have a lot of nerve coming here after everything you've done." I heard him growl under his breath.

"You think you know everything? You know nothing. Well, maybe you do. Your father probably raised you real well." I could hear the sarcasm in her voice, which made JJ's body tense up.

"You have no right to speak about him like that. You don't know him!" I started to yell.

"I wouldn't want to make a Maybank angry, would I?"

JJ was about to lose it and I didn't want my mom to see that side of him. I wanted to prove her wrong so badly. He was a great guy, but you couldn't fire him up like this.

Hurricane- JJ Maybank (Outer Banks)Where stories live. Discover now