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A few days went by. John B didn't come by anymore, there was a lot of problems going on with Ward and the gold. He had to go. Kie came and went, Pope not so much either. My mother either wasn't notified or she didn't bother to come by. I laid up in bed for days without any contact. I got a few texts from the others but it wasn't the same without them there.

A doctor walked in, telling me I was discharged. They checked everything out and told me my aftercare. Everything was covered by insurance and I would have meds to pick up later today. I didn't even bother. My mom had beaten me bad before and everything healed, scars were just a part of who I was now.

"Your friend that came in with you is awake."

I felt my eyes shoot up as they removed the last needle from my arm and placed a bandage on it.

"JJ Maybank? He's alive? He's awake?"

"Yes. I'm sorry I wasn't able to give you updates. But visiting hours just started. I can take you there."

"I'd love that. Thank you so much."

John B had received news a few days ago that he went under surgery but they couldn't tell if he'd wake up. His body was very weak and he was fighting but it sounded like there was no faith in him. I was so happy to find out that he was okay. I could barely contain myself.

"He's a bit groggy and he might struggle to speak or move quickly but he'll make a full recovery in a few more days. He's very lucky. You and your friend probably saved his life."

"Thank you so much."

I stood outside the door, seeing that his eyes were closed. He was pale and he definitely looked like he had lost a lot of weight. Probably since he had been asleep for days now. I felt my body tense up as I reached for the door handle. Tears were already beginning to roll down my face.

"J? Is that you?" I closed the door behind me, barely able to even keep myself steady. My hands were shaking, my entire body was shaking.

His eyes open and a smile appears across his face. I never thought I'd see his eyes open again. I started to sniffle, feeling my knees buckle below me. I sunk into the side of his bed, placing my hand over his.

"You don't have to talk, okay? The doctors said it might be hard for you to speak or move for a bit. i'm here." I squeezed his hand tightly.

Hs just continued to smile, moving his fingers a bit to show that he understood. This was the moment I knew I wanted to be with him for the rest of my life. I wasn't ever going to leave him ever again. I leaned my head down so he couldn't see me beginning to cry, it was an ugly cry. Probably about as bad as the ambulance ride.

"Cupcake, don't cry." His throat sounded dry. I felt his hand squeeze mine.

"You don't have to talk, J. I'm okay. Just happy that you're alright."

"Can you get me a water?"

I nodded my head and walked over to the other side of the room to grab a water bottle from the fridge. I opened it and sat back beside him. I lifted it to his mouth and he started to sip at it.

"Thank you, love. I feel much better." He just smiled back at me as I just stared at him. I ran my hand over his hair, pushing it out of his face. "I'm sorry I gave you a scare. I didn't mean to-"

"You are not the one that's apologizing for this. This is all my fault. You practically died. It was my fault."

"No, it wasn't. It was my fault you almost died. I left for one second to help John B and you almost were shot. I did what I had to do."

"You didn't have to save me. It was my fault. I was digging into Rafe, I was just so mad at them. He hurt John B so bad and he hurt me and he wouldn't admit it. I was begging him to just shoot me. I wanted John B to be okay. I was just so upset."

"They're going to pay for all of this. I'm sure John B is sorting this all out. I wish you wouldn't have tried to sacrifice yourself."

"You took a bullet for me. I held your weak, dying body in my front yard. I thought you were dead. You scared me half to death. I can't lose you, J."

"I didn't want you to die. Like I said, I'm just a deadbeat like my dad."

"Stop! You're not. You are just as deserving as me. You're the only thing in this world that matters to me. I wasn't going to let you die. You're the most amazing, kind, gentle, and sweet person I've ever met in my life and you deserve the whole world, I'm going to repay you for the rest of my life."

"You're not repaying me. I've already won." His hand grazed my face, swiping the tears from my cheeks. "I just want to be with you for the rest of my life."


I felt my pinky wrap around his, our pinky promise to each other. My phone started to vibrate in my pocket.

"Is it John B?"


"You're on speaker. Guess who?" JJ said as I answered the phone.

John B was breathing heavily on the other side of the phone. It sounded like he was running.

"Ward tried to take off with the gold and kidnapped Sarah. We went to the airstrip to stop him and Rafe killed Sheriff Peterkin."

He sounded frantic. I couldn't believe what was happening.

"Also, sorry. I'm glad you're okay, JJ. We're gonna need all the help we can get. I knew you'd pull through."

"It's all good bro. Are you okay?"

"The police are after me. Ward framed me. They framed me for murder."

Hurricane- JJ Maybank (Outer Banks)Where stories live. Discover now