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I stepped out of the shower, JJ's eyes were burning into the back of my body. I threw him a towel and he wrapped it around his waist, messing with his hair in the mirror. He started dancing around as I wrapped my towel around my chest, looking to him in the mirror. I grabbed my toothbrush and began to brush my teeth, realizing that we had just made out with our nasty morning breath. I didn't even notice so I hoped and prayed he didn't.

"What are you doing, silly?" I was trying not to spit toothpaste everywhere.

"Dancin'." He was using that tone of voice that practically made me melt, like he was a country boy.

"Why are you dancin'?" I decided mocking him was my best bet.

"Cause- you're finally mine." He grabbed my back and dipped me down, holding my other hand to balance me.

"You're such a gentleman." I chuckled.

"I just can't believe it."


"A guy like me with a girl like you? Seems crazy."

"You're out of my league, Maybank."

"You're fucking beautiful." He started tickling me causing me to fall back against the wall again.

"You just really love pinning me up against the wall, don't you?" I lifted my eyebrow.

"I think you're particularly fond of it." He went to kiss me but instead bit down on my bottom lip.

"I'm fond of whatever this is." I felt his tongue slip into my mouth, which was new.

I wasn't really sure how to kiss with tongue but I was making it work. Believe it or not, John B was my first kiss. Well, first real kiss. I don't really count that shit that happened in the third grade. JJ had been my first everything. I was so glad it was with someone I loved and someone that loved me. I just kept kissing him, trying to figure out what I needed to do.

"Am I doing something wrong?" He leaned out of me.

"JJ- I'm going to be honest with you. I've never done any of this, like ever." I felt my face get hot.

"Done what? We've kissed multiple times, and well the other stuff too." He laughed breathlessly.

"Remember when John B kissed me? That was my first kiss. First anything. Everything I've done with you, I've never done before."

"That's okay. Are you just nervous? Because I don't mind at all. You make me the happiest boy alive."

"I'm not nervous around you anymore. I just don't know how to properly do things, I guess."

"You're doing fine. Plus, I can just teach you." I felt his hand go to my butt.

"Woah, there tiger."

He just chuckled, placing a kiss on the top of my forehead. I couldn't get over how sweet he was. I walked out of the bathroom to see Kie and Pope standing in the door frame and they saw both of us.

"Well, well, well. Last night must've went good then?" Kie crossed her arms.

"Yeah, don't remind me." Pope rolls his eyes back.

"What?" I said, feeling JJ right behind me.

"You must've thought you were alone, huh? Nope." Kie tried to cover her smile as Pope pretended to gag.

"Remember what I told you. I'm going to have to punish you." I felt my spine tingle as JJ whispered in my ear.

"Guys, I'm not going to lie to you anymore. Pogues for Life. JJ and I are dating. We've kissed, we've- that's not important. But I'm not lying anymore, we had to figure out shit for ourselves. What we do is none of your business as well. So please just stay out of our stuff, okay?"

"Wow. I never thought I'd see the day." Kie smiled.

"I'm happy for you guys." Pope smiled as well as John B came running in.

"Hey, JB!" I called out to him but he moved past all of us.

"John B? Where the hell have you been?" Kie followed him.

He looked like he was searching for something. He was in the zone.

"John B? Listen what's going on?" JJ moved past me.

He pushed JJ on to the couch.

"JB! What the fuck?" I went over to him, forcing him to face me.

I see he had JJ's gun in his hand, with a blank expression on his face.

"What the hell do you need the gun for?" I held on to him. No response. "Look at me!"

"Get out of my way." He muttered under his breath.

"Not before you explain to us why you need a goddamn gun."

He pushes past me, sending me backwards.

"John B! You better have a great excuse as to why you just pushed me!" I started walking after him, and he takes the JJ's bike.

He turned to face all of us. "Ward took me out on the Druthers this morning, he knows about the gold and he killed my dad."

We all share the same expression. We all had been there when John B's dad went missing, except Kie. But that wasn't important. He rode off on the bike really fast, leaving us all there wondering what was about to happen. I walked back up into the house and into my room. I sat on the bed with my head in my hands. I heard my door shut, and see JJ slip off his towel. I moved my head back down.

"What the hell is happening?" I heard JJ whisper as he put his clothes on for the day.

I sat with my head in my hands, feeling all of my emotions get the best of me.

"Hey, hey, hey. What's wrong?" I felt JJ's hands go to my shoulders, rubbing them softly.

"Just John B. I feel so bad for him and I haven't even been able to be there for him. I was cooped up in here for a week and he still took care of me and I can't do the same for him."

"Hey. You were there for him when he needed us most, when his dad went missing. We're gonna be there for him now, he just needs time and there's not much we can do. He's going on a rampage."

"I know. I just wish I could repay him for what he did for me."

"We're going to. Just relax okay?"

"I can't relax. You guys have been going on a gold hunt and I've barely even gotten to help. I don't deserve to be buddies with all of you."

"Buddies?" He scoffed.

"Can you fill me in on what happened? I feel like I missed quite a lot. Why was John B with Ward?"

"Oh god. Did he not tell you anything? You didn't question the cast?"

"The cast. I'm so stupid. I really just let him take care of me and not even bother to see what he was going through."

"You're not stupid. We're all allowed to have our off days, or week. Let me explain, okay?" He sat next to me on the bed as I adjusted my towel.

He ran his hands through his hair and slipped his hat on. The dry pieces stuck straight out of the sides.

"Okay. Start from the second I left the bonfire."

Hurricane- JJ Maybank (Outer Banks)Where stories live. Discover now