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I walked into midsummers. I felt like I didn't belong, seeing all the looks I was getting walking in. JJ had grabbed a platter and pretended to be a waiter. He wiped his lip before giving me a wink.

"Stay out of trouble, Maybank."

"Right back at ya, princess." He walked off with a smile.

I was glad he was feeling better after what I saw him try to attempt earlier but I still couldn't shake the feeling. Why had he not told me anything about our relationship? Was he embarrassed to be seen with me? Was he just using me as a hookup? Sure, we hadn't done much but just make out but it was still special to me after over a year of being inseparable. I definitely needed to talk to John B about this later. I watched as Kie walked towards me. She looked stunning as always.

"Rach, what're you doing here?" She held out her arms to wrap me in a hug.

"Hey. Just a little spy mission for John B. JJ's in there somewhere."

I let out as her expression changed when she looked at my face, seeing the bruising and cuts along my jaw and lip.

"Was this from-"

"Yeah, I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. I didn't want any of you guys to worry about me."

"How long has she been doing it?"

"For a while, basically since I became friends with you guys. John B let me stay with him before his dad disappeared. That was the first time it happened."

"I'm so sorry, Rach. You don't have to apologize. I'm here for you always, okay?" She said with a smile.

"Of course. Thank you, Kie."

"Also, you're looking stunning. Like wow. That dress really complements your figure."

"Thank you." I chuckled, watching John B stand out in the gazebo.

"So, what exactly is this mission?"

I knew I had to lie for now. I'm sure Kie wouldn't be happy with the fact that John B was with Sarah, one of her biggest enemies.

"I'm not sure. I was told to sit here and look pretty."

"Well, you're doing great!" She held up a thumbs up and motioned that she was walking back to her family.

I saw JJ hand Sarah the note and shimmy past her, working his way back towards me. But, he got caught up with Topper, Rafe, and Kelce.

"Shit." I looked to the gazebo, not seeing John B anymore. "Great."

I walked quickly and quietly to the back room where I saw JJ, the kooks following slowly behind him. He walks into the men's bathroom and I know that I'm stuck.

"Hey! Leave him be!" I called out, watching as Rafe was the only one to turn around.

"Rachel? What a surprise."

"Don't you dare lay your hands on him, or I swear."

"You'll what? Remember what happened last time?" I felt him get closer to me as I leaned against the wall. He leaned into me, feeling his hot breath on my neck. He reeked of vodka.

"Get the fuck off of me!" I kicked him once again and he bent over.

I slammed the men's bathroom door open.

"Please dear god, don't let there be any naked men in here." I whispered to myself and saw JJ being held back by Kelce as Topper was pretending to hit a imaginary golf ball. "Let him go." I say through gritted teeth.

"Hey! This is the men's room!"

"Maybe you should just let him go."

"And why would we do that?" Topper looks me up and down. "I'm gonna have a hard time letting you go."

"One more step man, and I'll kill you." JJ spit.

"Oh, is he your boyfriend? JJ, that's real sad that your girl has to save your ass." Topper laughed, walking closer to me.

JJ shifted in Kelce's arms but couldn't get free.

"Topper, I'm not afraid of you. Let him go and we won't have any problems."

"We already have problems. I heard it was you two who sunk my boat. Partners in crime, huh?"

"Yeah, I'd do it again." 

I felt something grab my hair and send me backwards, hitting my head on the floor below.

"Rachel!" JJ shouted, trying to break free.

"Too bad you're not going to have the chance to." I saw Rafe above me with a smirk emerging across his face.

I closed my eyes, waiting for him to start beating me but I heard a commotion.

"What the hell is going on here?"

"Sir, we're trespassing. We're going to need an escort out." JJ's voice was low and quiet.

"Alright, let's go. Why is there a girl in here?"

"She's crazy. Trying to take a peek at us." I hear Topper say as I open my eyes.

"As if." I stand up, feeling a bump on the back of my head.

"Let me help you, love." Rafe said, holding out his hands.

I spit in his face, leaving him frozen.

"You're really asking for it next time."

"We'll see you powerpuffs later." JJ laughed as the security guard grabbed both of our arms, taking us out.

"Man, Rachel's pretty fucking hot for a pogue." Rafe's words bounced off the walls.

JJ stopped before breaking free to go attack him.

"JJ! Stop!" I tried getting my arm free but the man had a good grip on me as he grabbed JJ right before he got to Rafe.

I just watched as all of them were catcalling me, whistling as we were taken out.

"Alright, alright. We've got it from here. Hey! Glad you got your drink, actually Imma down that." JJ was making a scene, the one thing he promised he wouldn't do.

"Get out." The security guard called.

I motioned for Kie and Pope to follow us. I didn't know Pope would be here, must've been for his dads business. JJ was a few feet behind me, everyone was staring at him.

"Let's go!" He calls.

He looks back over to me across the room, about to exit the building with a huge grin across his face. He runs to me, picking me up off the ground and spinning me around.

"God, you're so hot."

"Put me down!" I laughed as we all ran off, seeing John B waiting for us in the Twinkie.

Hurricane- JJ Maybank (Outer Banks)Where stories live. Discover now