Chapter 6 - Hangover & Electricity

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The sun shines brightly in the room, waking me up. The light burns painfully in my eyes, a groan slipping past my lips, which is muffled as I press a pillow against my face. My head pounds, making me wish I would be rather dead than having these hangovers. Never will I be able to get a handle off them.

"Morning, drunky." Kim seats herself in my bed, the mattress sinks in around her.

She places a glass of water with aspirin beside me on the nightstand, pushing the pillow aside, looking at me with amusement. I clearly look like a mess, judging from the look in her eyes.

"Headache?," she chuckles.

"Yes. And it's killing me." I place my hand over my head, furrowing my eyebrows in annoyance.
God, I still feel like I'm burning.

"Take this." She says, handing me the water with the aspirin. "It will make you feel better."

She grabs me around my waist, helping me sit up straight. I gulp it down quickly, the liquid feeling good on my sore throat.

"Why must this be the aftermath after the drinks make you feel sooo good."

"Now everything must have a negative side, so you learn to appreciate the good things."

"Kim, I can't handle your wise self right now. Too early for that." I let myself fall back on the mattress, yearning to go back to sleep.

She pulls my blanket away earning a shriek from me at the coldness that breaks into my warm bubble.

I throw a deadly look at Kim. Oh, she is so dead.
Abruptly, I move forward, reaching for her. Easily she backs away with a laugh.

"Get dressed," she orders me, "Class begins in 30 minutes, so hurry. I don't want to be late."


Tapping my pen against the table in boredom, I look out of the window of the room at the birds that are playing in the tree. My eyes feel heavy and every so often I need to suppress a yawn.
The sun beams with its full power in the classroom, which reflects my exact opposite mood, making my eyes uncomfortable.

The bell rings and I peel my eyes away from the entertaining view, gathering my things together and standing up.

"Do you feel any better?" Kim asks me with concern as we walk to the door.

I shake my head, my head swirling as I do so.
"Not really."

"You must take better care. Why did you even drink so much after we danced? You were doing just fine." She scolds me, her expression telling me that she doesn't understand my actions.

I didn't tell anyone about my unexpected encounter with Ms. Hathaway, so it's only clear that she is confused about my previous behavior.

"You should know me better than that," I chuckle before continuing, "There's never enough alcohol."

"Seriously, stop being so stupid it makes me worry."

"That's a hard request," I note. "But for you, I'd give my best try."

"I doubt that."

"Have some trust in your friend. Positive thoughts always, isn't that what you always say." I wink at her as we make our way to the end of the hallway.

Arriving at our lockers, we place away the books we won't need at the dorm later. Which basically means all of my books wander inside the locker and Kim brings all of them home.

"Are we leaving together after your last lesson? We can go to the café if you want to. I have time today." She leans herself against the lockers, waiting for my response.

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