Chapter 57 - Christmas

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Lizzie's POV

The Christmas decorations are already put up all over the house, fairy lights roaming the ceiling and filling the air with the Christmas spirit. The already warm atmosphere radiating from the comfortable living room highlighted by the candles and the scent of vanilla cookies.

Passed days filled with laughter and longing touches, cold days being the perfect opportunity to spend the whole time under warm blankets, give me a new feeling of utter happiness.

Sitting on the armchair in the living room, my laptop placed on top of my legs, I occasionally take a glimpse at her. I catch myself every time my mind drifts off, the actual point of not being by her side at the moment already forgotten whenever my eyes naturally drift towards her.

Y/n sits at the table, a tiny furrow between her brows as she stares down at the puzzle she tries to solve for already half an hour. My stomach flutters as my eyes scan over her concentrated face, gaze moving towards her bottom lip as she nibbles on the skin.

Shaking my head, I pull myself together, attention moving back to the screen as my fingers move over the keyboard. Even though the winter break had begun there still was a lot to do and sometimes I needed to take a short amount of time to catch up with my work.

But y/n had no bad thoughts about it, always making sure that I have my free time. When I wasn't by her side, she always found something to keep herself busy.

I close down the laptop, sighing with relief as I take a small break from work. Silently I move towards her, not wanting to disturb her concentration as she picks up a piece and makes an adorable sound, the piece fitting into the gap.

Trying to suppress the chuckle that wants to escape, I bite down on my tongue, tiptoeing towards her.

Carefully lowering my head down, I whisper into her ear, a wide grin spreading over my face as I husk into her ear. "That pretty little mind of yours is working hard, my darling."

She jumps slightly, letting out a quiet chuckle. My hands rub over the back of her neck, one hand of her placing on top of mine as she presses a gentle kiss on the skin. "Liz, you startled me."

I grin, muttering a short apology as I sit down beside her. Y/n mirrors my expression, her beautiful smile like the sun, shining brightly as my heart warms at the sight.

"Do you want to help me? I've been sitting on this one for far too long, and I'm slowly coming to the realization that this game isn't for me."

"Just because you're on break doesn't mean you can shut off that bright mind of yours," I tease.

"It's not shutting off, I'm really trying my best here." She whines, pointing to the half finished puzzle. "And this isn't an easy one when nearly every piece looks the same."

I stare at the pieces, searching for a fitting one and lean forward, picking up a puzzle piece and placing it into the right place.

"Are you serious right now?" Y/n quietly groans beside me, poking me into the shoulder. "Please tell me you already did this one once before and still know what piece is supposed to be there."

Smiling, I bite down on my lip, nodding slowly in agreement. "Yeah, that's the reason why, my love."

She sighs, looking like my words eased her mind, and looks at the puzzle again. The next few minutes we try to solve it together, her small sounds of victory whenever she picks up a right piece before me, making my heart glow.

Usually I like to be the best, loving to win and see my opponent lose against me. It's not that great of a character trait, I admit it, but growing up in a family where everyone always outshines the other one, it's not that big of a surprise.

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