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Clint went  to his hotel room after he went back to the theater and asked the director some questions. A lot of doors open when you have a SHIELD bandage. Clint opened his computer because Fury called him .
"Agent Barton, why didn't you answer your phone!"
"I was talking to the director of the theater. It's hard when you don't speak the language."
"Why were you talking to him? Did you killed the Black Widow? Or you didn't even met her?"
"I was talking to him about how my boss sent me in a suicidal mission."
Fury raised an eyebrow.
"Of course, i was talking something important with him,about a certain deadly ballerina."
"The Black Widow was posing as a ballerina? "
"You saw her and you are still alive?!Did you killed her already?! I'm impressed! "
"No,i didn't."
"And you are still alive?! Still impressing. You are the first agent to survive a meeting with her."
"She's good.. and smart. She made me miss my target! Can you believe it? She caught my arrow in her hand!"
"What did you find about her?"
"The director told me she's an American ballerina named Natasha Romanoff. The best of her class. 20 years old. I'm sure that's her cover story. All lies. There is no way she's the same age as me."
"She's that young? !"
"I know. With her reputation, i could have swear she is over 30.And she's not American for sure."
"Why do you say that agent?"
"She speaks English perfectly, but if her cover is an American, why she spoke with me in i-don't-know-what language?"
"She spoke with you?"
"Yes ."
"Nobody heard her or survived to report what language she was speaking. Agent, we will sent a record with a phrase in all the languages and hope this will help you to find hers."
"Fury, one more thing. She stole my arrow."
"Barton, i can't believe you!Your obsession for-"
"It has a tracker. I don't like to lose my arrows."
Clint saw something on Nick's face that he couldn't understand. Was he happy? Was that possible?
"You are a genius, Clint!"
Using his name and the word "genius" in the same sentence, that was a premiere.
"If you manage to kill her, i will promote you to the level 10 clearance."
"Fury, can you ask Fitz if he can make somehow a microphone from my arrow?"
"Always thinking great, Clint!" Fury ended the call.
He couldn't believe it. Promotion.And Fury's appreciation. He called him"Clint". That was big. If she killed the Black Widow, all his colleagues will respect him and maybe like him. He would be a legend. But would all of this be worth a life? This "Natasha Romanoff" or what her real name was could be better if someone could gave her a second chance . And Clint knew he was the one.
"Bye-bye happiness!"
Sometimes, he wondered if this also happened with Coulson when he gave him a second chance.
He listened to the recordings.
"Fury, I'm 97% sure she is Russian."
"Good job. Fitz managed to listen with your arrow. The Black Widow was reporting to someone named Madame B. She is working for the Red Room. The Black Widow's mission is to kill the business man, Alexander Sándor. He will participate at a gala tomorrow. And the Widow will be there . "
" That means i will be there too.I didn't bring a tuxedo. "
" We both know that you use your SHIELD credit card for missions for useless things. You could use it for something good. Make sure your suit is good for combat and has a lot of pockets for weapons. "
" Yes, sir! "Clint ended the call.
Hawkeye knew he won't need those pockets.It's time to talk with the Black Widow.

Natalia was happy that Madame B. didn't punished her and accepted to let her try again to kill Sándor. Good thing that she went back at the theater after the fight with the agent and eavesdrop at a conversation. This way, she found up about Sándor and the gala.
It was all the archer's fault she failed her mission. Because of him, she was embarrassed.She saw her dress. Natalia figured he could mask her Widow Bite and Widow Line  as  gold accessories with her red dress, making more room for weapons. If the agent will be there, she will kill him for making her fail her mission. She never missed a mission. She looked at the arrow on her nightstand.
"Кто, черт возьми, до сих пор пользуется стрелами? (Who the fuck still use arrows? )

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