On the run

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The train stopped abruptly. The security pushed Clint and Natalia out of the train at the nearest  station. The redhead wanted to show the security that she doesn't like to be pushed, with a certain knife, but the archer stopped her.
"So what's your plan, wonder boy? Where are we going now?"Natalia asked.
"I will call my handler to pick us up and... try to explain why i didn't killed you. Stay here."Clint went to the bathroom and pressed his comms.
"Like i have an option to go home." she mumbled to herself.
In the bathroom, Clint called Phil. He took a deep breath and waited for his handler to answer. Even he didn't knew how to explain the situation.
"Hey, Phil, what are you doing, my favorite person in SHIELD."
"What did you do this time Clint? " Phil said in a calm tone.
He knew he was screwed.
"The Black Widow mission took a slightly turn-"
"Are you hurt?"
"No.I had to run from my hotel room and i need the extraction point now because Natasha's boss wasn't too happy that she didn't completed the mission and sent people."
"Ok. Where are you now?"
"I don't know. I ran to the nearest train station to my hotel and i got out of the train  at the first station."
"Ok, let's meet in Solymár. Can you make it?"
"Phil, it's me. You know i can do it."
Just then the archer heard gun sounds and people screaming.
"Bye!" He said and hung up. Clint run outside of the bathroom and saw Sophia dead body on the floor and Natalia with a gun in her hand. He quickly took her hand and started running.
"Couldn't you not make a scene?"
"No, if i didn't want a bullet in my head. Hiw did your call was?"
"He waits for us in Solymar."
"Where in Solymar?"
"Will figure it out!"
"What did he said about your judgment on your mission?"
"My what?"
"How you messed up your mission. " Natalia rolled her eyes.
"About you? I will figure out that also. I didn't told him.... i don't know how?"
"With words maybe?"
"You didn't looked like the joking type."
"I'm not. It's sarcasm."
"But stay calm. Once i brought a fish from a mission  at the Headquarters and Phil said it was ok."
"Who's Phil? And i think your argument has 2 problems :I am bigger than a fish and i killed 28 agents of yours and another 127 or 130 people."
"Phil is my handler. Ok, i see your point, but who knows?Maybe that fish killed a lot of whatever they eat."
"Do you think i ate them? Gross."
"Well, you are named Black Widow..."
"Because that's our program name, idiot!"
"Hey! Who is more stupid? The stupid or... the person following them?" he smiled at Natalia.
"I'm following you because i have no way out! If i go alone, i will be killed by the Red Room for failing my mission, thanks to you, but if i go with you, i can use you as my shield." She smiled back.
"Nice words play!" he smailed back and he could see how the fact that he was angry or upset made the Widow to boil in anger.
"Which is our train? I see that we lost the police long ago."
"Just jump and we will figure it out!"
"You don't have a plan?"
" Do you?"
They both jumped on a train and stood on the roof of the wagon.Clint lie down on the roof.
"Do you think we will see the star soon?"
"What is your problem? We are running from police and the Red Room wants us dead? H-How can you be so happy like everything is a joke!"
"Relax. Hakuna Matata!"
"You know, was that movie 10 years ago."
He saw that she was confused, so he continued.
"Hakuna matata means no worries. It's a good song. When we get to SHIELD remember me to watch it together. We can do this after training or missions."
"Actually, it means no problems."
"What! My whole life is a lie!"
"How can you be so sure that they won't kill me when we get there?"
Clint took her hands in his, even if she looked like she would punch him for touching her.
"Natasha, i swear on my life that i will not let anyone from SHIELD to hurt you."
"Why are you doing this?How can you be so sure that you can stop an entire organization from killing me?"
"I think you deserve a second chance.Once,Phil gave me a second chance and i want to do the same for someone. To make someone's life better. Tasha, with your skills, you could save millions of lives !"
"Don't call me that!"
"What's wrong with Tasha?"
"I think she prefers Natalia because that's her name." said a deep voice with  a strong Russian accent.
Both of them turned their head and saw a big man with a black mustache and cold blue eyes. Clint looked at Natalia who paled and when he looked at the man again, he saw his gun.
" Ivan? "the Widow said socked to see him there.
" You were a naughty girl"
The man aimed his gun for Natalia's head, but she dodged the bullet and ran in his direction, scissoring her legs at his neck. Ivan dropped his gun, and with one hand, he pushed the Black Widow off his neck. She landed graceful on her legs, gaining her balance fast. She tried to punch him in the face, but Ivan caught her fist and lifted her up like she didn't weight nothing. Natalia tried to not look scared, but failed not to show her shock in front of him.
"До свидания, Наталья.(Bye  forever Natalia)" He said and throw her out of the train.
Clint shot an explosive arrow at Ivan and jumped out of the train for Natalia. He tried to shot an arrow at a tree to make the landing easier, but they were to far away. He landed on his back with a curse. Clint heard the man scream in pain and laughed. He got up and looked in at the burning man which was disappearing in the distance.
"Take that, jerk!So, Natalia or Natasha, let me guess, that was a friend of yours too? " he looked for her and Clint expected that Natalia to be on her feet and smile with him.Je was surprised to see that she was still on the ground, not moving. He rushed to her side and looked for blood. He was glad that even if her eyes her closed, she wasn't bleeding.
"Come on, Sleeping Beauty! Open up your eyes! It's cold and we have to move!" Clint shaked her shoulder. He tried to think of a plan since he was in the middle of nowhere,with no signal and a hurt person. He looked at the sky like the answer would be there.
" God, i know we don't talk, but... i can't call Phil because i don't have a signal, so.... any ideas?"
He looked at the  full of snow ground ,at the train railway, then at the forest, then again at the sky. He saw smoke from the forest and thought that meant there were people who could help him. Clint took Natalia in his arms and went in the direction of the forest.
"You sleep while i do all the work." he mumbled to himself.
Clint walked, and walked until he finally found a cabin which wasn't occupied by people. He picked up the lock and entered. The cabin was dark and cold, but Clint knew he could change that. He put Natalia on the bed and went outside to look for wood. He found some branches and started the fire in the chimney. The room light up, now looking warm and welcoming. He found some canned food in the drawers and was pleased to find that the cabin had current water. Clint put the water to boil at the strove and put something that he thought he was beans. He was hungry after all the events of the day. He looked at the unconscious Black Widow. Clint tried to wake her again to eat something,but with no results. He hoped it wasn't something bad who leaded to medical complications .Clint ate while thinking at a way to contact Phil. He was sure his handler was worried sick and he is already preparing the 12 pages long lecture for him. When he finally was tired from so much thinking, he put a blanket on Natalia and he settled on the couch, covering with a blanket himself .
"Good night.... um.. Nat. It works for both Natalia and Natasha."

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