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Phil was angry. If Clint wasn't already in big trouble, he would have killed him, them bring back to life, so he could kill him again. Since he knew him, he did a lot of stupid things, but this one was the iceberg.

He showed his bandage to the two guards at the door.After the door opened, he walked to the last cell.

"Clint, please explain me why did you bring her here! Do you have any idea in what big mess you are!The Council told Fury to let you rot in prison! You are going everything you worked for! You know what i risked to bring you to SHIELD! And you let all that hard work go away, why? Because of a girl. Barton, tell me, do you love her? Because you know that she's a master in manipulat-"

" Hold up! I don't love her."


" Because I am doing what you did for me years ago. Gave her a chance for a better life. "

" Clint, she's not you. She is a bloody killer! "

" Yes. She is not me. I chose to steal jewelry and kill people for money when I worked at the circus. It was my choice to do all of that. But she didn't have a choice. That's the difference. And that's why i believe i did the right thing. No matter what happens, i don't regret it. It was worth it. "

" DAMN YOU CLINT! "he made to the exit.

"Phil,please, do it for me Convince Fury to take her in. She has skills better than any agent of ours."

"How do you know she won't betray us?"

"She could have left me die so many times... but she didn't left me. She wants to work for us."

"I don't know, Barton. I don't know..." he said and left.

He knocked at Fury's office and entered before hearing any response.

"Director, what will happen to Clint?"

He sighed "The Council is angry. They want him out."

"And the Widow?"

"The council wants her dead. They suggested May to get rid of her since she came back from her mission. " he said as he pressed something at his computer.

Phil sighed. What he won't do for that child.

"Sir, what if we recruit the Widow?Maybe her skills and knowledge about this.... Red Room could be useful to us. We don't know nothing about them and they could be a problem in the future. Especially, if they are more widows. "

"Clint got you ? That kid brought you trouble since you met him. But even you are not sure if this Widow will not betray us."

"I believe in Clint and he believes in her."

"I need more than faith. I run an agency, Phil.The Council doesn't like Clint bought a strey in. I made them think about an easier punishment for Clint."

"Thank you. If i come with better reasons for the Widow...."

"I hope they are good enough for the Council. Now, if you escuse me Phil, i have to clean up Clint's mess. He let chaos everywhere he went. Dead mean shot with an arrow on the train, destroyed prison, killed mysterious girl that i presume is the other widow....."

Phil got out of the office and ran ro Clint's cell.

" So, what happened in the outside world? Do we have a new president? "Clint joked.

" Clint, it's serious. Fury managed to make it better for you, but if you want your friend to not end up in a body bag, i suggest you to be serious! "

" Ok, what do we need to do? "

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