The difference between Carrot and Widow

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Natasha was back to the academy the next day.She knew she was in trouble.She expected  punishment  to the whole class, but it never happened.

"Carrot!Locker room duty. You take all those sweaty, smelly clothes in the cart and take them to the washer room." her instructor said.

Some of them put their dirty equipment in the cart, while some threw their sweaty T-shirts in her face.

"Good catch, Carrot!" one boy said and his friends laughed,imitating him by throwing their T shirts in her face.

Natasha tried to control herself. She wasn't in the Red Room where she could kill a classmate and nothing would happen because the classmate was weak. Now she was at SHIELD where the director would throw her in a prison cell to rote there. Besides, she wanted a break from trouble. They were lucky the last time.

After she found where she had to put the clothes, her trainer gave her a bag and a trash grabber stick.

"I don't know what you did, Carrot, but the director told me you are on cleaning duty.Clean all the academy.. and i repeat all the academy's campus to be clean. Have fun."

"Надеюсь, вас собьет машина, сэр! (I hope a car hits you, sir! )" she said joyfully.

"I don't know what you said, but you shouldn't be happy. Of course Barton's child will be as weird as him." he left.

Natasha smiled. At least a thing was good. She could insult those idiots without them knowing.

She started to clean the campus, surprised to find that it wasn't that much garbage. When she got to the Academy of Science and Technology, she saw Jemma walking with a boy that she presumed it was Fitz. As soon as she saw her, Jemma and Fitz started to walk quickly. He knew who she was. He told her. Maybe was better that way. At least people will fear her.Natasha continued to pick up garbage like nothing happened.

She went to throw the bag in one of the campus' bins.She heard a car coming with great speed on the street. Natasha wondered who was the person was. The campus was really peaceful.

"Hey, Carrot! You missed a spot!" it was that boy again. He threw his cup of coffe on her head and speed up again.

Natasha took it and threw it in the bin, swearing hard in her mind.If she wasn't at SHIELD, he would be dead. Apparently not everyone knew she was the Black Widow. Walking towards the bathroom, Natasha thought about all the ways she could make that boy suffer.If she couldn't kill him in real life, at least she could in her mind. The coffe wasn't only on her face and tshirt, but also in her hair.

She waahed her hair in the sink and wring it to dry as best as she could.


As usual, Clint came to pick her up in a SHIELD car.

"What happened with you?"

"Nothing." she opened the door to enter.

Clint followed her."Nothing? Your hair is wet and it's fucking winter!"

He looked in the back of the car for something. He wished he kept a tower instead of all the Doritos empty bags in his car.He sight.

Clint started to drive. "Did somone did this to you? "


"Then what happened? You decided to swim in a lake? Who did it?"

"No one! Drop it, Barton! You are driving in the wrong direction!SHIELD is not in this direction."

"I'm not.We will talk about it later.Stay here. " he stopped the car and slammed the door.

Natasha was ready to get out when she finally saw Clint coming towards the car with a bag. He opened the door and put the bag in her lap and sit down with a .

"What's this?"

"That's the thing with bags. You open them to see what's inside." he smiled.

"Is it a bomb?"

"What?No!Why would you think that?! "

"You were smiling and gave me something.I used that technique on a target in Ottawa. "

Clint took the bag and opened it. He took the hat and put it on Natasha's head, even if she almost scratched him for that move.

"You like it?I chose it especially for you. The black topper hat with little red stars on the ears fits you. Is it  comfy? "

"Why?" Natasha asked confused.

"Your hair was wet and you could get a cold." he started the car again, this time towards the right direction.


"Why what ?"

"Why did you gave me this?"

"I just told you. I didn't want you to get sick. When it's cold outside and your hair and clothes are wet,rhere is a bigger chance to get sick. And it's awful.Winter is one of the best seasons."

Natasha looked at him more confused as before. He answered her questions, still she didn't understand. Why did he care if she got a cold?Why was winter the best season. All were practically the same.

" Why? "she tried again. She sweated Clint Barton was the hardest thing to understand.

" Presents,snow,food,fun."he said simply.

For the first time, Natasha decided to gave up and act like she understood. What was fun in winter? It was easier to camouflage and hide the bodies because of the snow. That would be it? Food? Why would food be different in winter?She had to admit that she had a harder time to hunt in winter and find vegetables, but she managed it mist of the time. And for the presents, she didn't know. Once one target gave her a bracelet that she later used to choke him. But it was summer then. Why would be winter special? Maybe her english was faulty. Maybe he mant something else.

She managed to evil Clint's annoying invitations to eat by grabbing an apple and telling him she needs to shower. Natasha didn't want to eat Mildred's food in case she hated her for getting Barton in trouble.Even on her  way towards her room agents send her looks and whispered about her.

"I am not killing you. Want more? You won't get it."she thought.

Natasha entered in her room and as sleep never came easy, she decided to read again from the SHIELD books Phil gave her. She saw Clint's small drawings on the first four pages, then they suddenly stopped.

" So this far he got... That explains a lot." she said to herself and turned the page after reading.

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