=Cloudy Grey=

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"Thank you for singing for me Evangeline, you don't know how much this means to me." I smile fondly at my best friend. We were currently in her living room,  looking over the final planning for the wedding. 

"I owe you that much Ella, I can't express how sorry I am," 

"Don't you dare start, everything happens for a reason," She sends me one of her dashing and caring smiles, my guilt vanishing for a few seconds. 

Before I could say anything to her, someone walks in interrupting us. "Good afternoon my love, good afternoon Evangeline." 

I smile at my friend's fiance, greeting him back while he takes a seat next to Ella, "Charming what are you doing here so early?" 

"My brother will be coming to visit soon, I am here to greet him." 

"You have a brother?" I blurt out. Never have I seen any news about the Charmings having more than one son. 

"I just found about this last month, he is Charming's best man," Ella answers, understanding my confusion. "Today will be the first time I met him, will you be staying?" 

"Sorry Ella, I have to get to the library soon, another time for sure," I get up and gather my supplies, the two beautiful dresses that Ella has picked out for me to wear. "Nice seeing you again Henry." 

I make my way out,  smiling kindly at the limo driver before climbing in. Ever since Ella got engaged to one of the richest men in this country, she tries her best to make sure I too enjoyed the luxuries she did. 

"It helps me not feel suffocated, sharing with my best friends," She had said. 

Guilt pulls my heart once again. She went through so much and instead of coming out bitter and hating the world, she learned to love and appreciate it ten times more. She's the type of person that makes me have more faith in the world. 


"You know, there use to be a time where people loved going to the library," Gus mutters, sliding next to me and stuffing his face with popcorn. I reach over and take a few. 

"I blame virtual books," I mutter. "They are great and all, but nothing beats the smell of a physical book." 

"Preach," Jacques walks by taking the popcorn out of Gus's hands. "Shouldn't you be with  Cinderelly, the wedding is next week." 

"I don't understand why she would keep such a cruel nickname," I mutter rolling my eyes before focusing back on putting the books back in their rightful place. "Plus I already went this morning, got everything I need." 

"Is it true that the other charming is coming for the wedding?" 

"How did you know?" 

"We're in high school, it's the gossip center of the world," Gus answered for Jaques. 

"You guys are making me feel old," I fake whine, ignoring the work I was doing. "And I'm only twenty-five." 

"There there," Gus hugs me, believing my fake whining. "You'll never be old in our eyes." 


"Are you ready Ella?" 

"As I'll ever be, how about you? Are you nervous about later?"  I shake my head, waiting for the helpers to finish checking my dress and make-up.

"Are you ready Rosie?" Rose, a young girl from the orphanage that Ella and I grew fond of, nods while eating her snack.   

After the preparations were done, Ella, Rosie, and I make our way down the hall, ready to walk down the aisle. 

"Auntie Ella, I don't want to go down by myself," Rosie whines, looking up at us with tears in her eyes. I crouch down and start consol her before the waterworks goes on full blast. 

"Don't cry love, I'll go with you," I hold her hand, and wipe away her tears. She gives me a soft nod and I give the lady in front of me the single to show that we were ready to go down the aisle. 

The doors open up and a soft melody starts, I give the crowd a smile focusing on the people at the end of the aisle. A moment of hesitation runs through me when I see the man standing next to Henry Charming. 

So that's his brother?

He was taller and larger than Henry, his navy blue suit clings to him in the best possible way. I quickly look down and focus on Rosie before he noticed me staring. 

I will not be tripping at Ella's wedding because of a hot guy. Not this time. 


Take a deep breath, you got this Evangeline. 

I make my way to the microphone, trying my hardest to not trip on my own two feet. The melody starts to play, and like always, the crowds fade away as I start singing. This time, however, I did not feel like I was alone, I felt comforted. 

As I finish my last note, I watch Charming and Ella leaning in for a kiss. A smile painting my face, she's finally getting everything she deserves.

I got back to humming, letting the newlyweds finish with their dance. Ella walks to me and gives me a big hug, before I could even say anything to them, the man from before joins us.

He gives Charming a hug and kiss Ella on her temple. I watch cheek tint a bit red while he lets out a chuckle. I observe his features, understatement of Ella's reaction dawning on to me.

His hair was more of a mess then earlier. It made him even more attractive, the way the loose strands fell on his forehead.

Now he was just wearing the white dress shirt, and his gold chains decorate his neck beautifully. He turns around, and a smile comes on his face.

That was fucking hot.

"Who's your friend princess?" I press my thighs together when I hear his voice.

I bet he sounds better in the morning, or after a good fuck.

I was about to introduce myself when his phone interrupted us. He sends an apologetic smile and check his phone.

I bite my lips, watching his cloudy grey eyes close in annoyance. Heat rises in me, this man hasn't done anything and yet I want to be underneath him.

"I apologize for my rudeness, problems at work," He apologizes. "See you soon princess,"

He gives me a wink before walking out.

"That's your brother?" I let out, looking at Henry with wide-eyes.

"Yes that's Amour, Isn't he handsome?" Ella lets out a giggle, hooking her arm with Henry.

Amour, what a beautiful name.

"As much as I love my brother, he's not prince charming Evangeline, be careful," Henry rolls his eyes at Ella's behavior before his first turns into stone.

"No one can be you Charming, and no one said I wanted him," I joke. " I was just curious about the family."

I give the couple a final hug before walking away from the crowd that was starting to close around us.

A shame that I didn't give him my name.



Hi loves,

What do you guys think of this chapter? Literally could not go to sleep until I finished this.

Updated: 17 August 2021

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