=Can I=

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"Wait, let me get this straight? You stole your parents' car because you wanted ice cream?"I repeated, holding in my laugh.

"Yeah, I survived but wasn't allowed ice cream for two months." She fakes sobs, taking a bit of her chocolate cake.

"You have fainting spells and no ice cream is what makes you sad?"

She shrugs, "Priorities."

"You, Trésor, are something else."

She licks her lips and gives me a toothy smile, "Bet you regret liking me now."

I frown at her statement and pull her closer to me, "Never joke about that, that's something I'll never regret. Understand?"

She nods before taking another bite of her cake, looking out the window. "Why are we here?"

"It's a surprise," I tell her, opening the sunroof so we can see the night stars. After her story, I made a few calls and drove her to one of my favorite spots. After picking a chocolate cake, because she had the craving for cake and ice cream.

"Did you already plan this or did you just do it last minute?" She asks, raising a brow and trying to not hide her excitement as she looks up at the stars.

"A little bit of both, your confession moved the surprised up," I answer, looking at my watch.

Almost time.

"Which poor soul did you yell at to get everything ready?"

"I didn't yell at anyone," I mock, offended that she would think such a thing.

She raise a brow and I let out a sigh of defeat before answering, "Oliver and a few of my men."

"Poor Oli, he needs a raise."

"Since when did you call him Oli?"

"Since I found out about him and Sasha,"

"How? It took me a while before I found out."

"He calls her Venus, that's all I needed to be honest, plus the way he looks at her is not a secret." She comments nonchalantly.

"Yeah, when I found out he didn't care about hiding his true feelings if it weren't for Sasha, he probably would've told the whole world by now."

"What do you do?" She asks, her eyes twinkling with curiosity.

"Nothing much, just some business. My father builds an empire that it doesn't take a lot out of me to run."

"I know there is more to it, but I'll wait until you trust me." She says finishing her cake and wrapping the blanket around her, looking at the stars.

I look at her, at lost for words. Normally I would have girls get mad at me, but her composure was calm. It made me want to layout and tell her everything now.

"Thank you," I say kissing her forehead. "Thank you for understanding."

"Of course," She lets a small yawn. "How much longer? I'm getting sleepy."

"Look up," I tell her, smiling at how droopy her eyes were getting. She looks up, her mouth forms into an 'o' when the fireworks started.

A series of flowers, hearts, and different shapes painted the night sky. Her eyes don't leave the sky, and mine doesn't leave hers.

She lets out a small gasp, reading the words that appeared in the sky.

Can I be Yours?

She looks at me, her eyes tearing up. "I feel like it was more appropriate to ask if I could be yours rather than the other way around," I say, surprised by how rough my voice sounded.

"Why are you so perfect?" She comments, leaning into my hand as I wipe away her tears.

"I'm not, but you make me want to be." She leans forward, getting on me slightly her knees in between my thighs.

I stifle a grown and watch her movements cautiously. Her cold hand touches my face, and his eyes look down at my lips.

The next thing I know, she takes a deep breath and gives me a quick peck on the lips. "Sorry, couldn't help it,"

I chuckle at her sudden shyness before grabbing her face, "That's something you should never apologize about, Trésor."

I pull her into a kiss, ignoring the knot on my stomach, the racing of my heart, and the electricity on my fingertip. She licks my bottom lip, slowly grinding on me while letting out a small moan.

She will be the death of me.

"Let's keep it slow tonight Trésor," She rolls her eyes at my comment, before pulling me back into a kiss.

I pick her up, my hands around her waist for support as she grinds on me. I let out a groan, enjoying her soft lips on mines. Her scent is like a spell, capturing the very essence of my soul.

She could tell me anything right now and I will gladly oblige.

We spend a while just making out and enjoying each other. I felt like a hormonal teenager again.

"I um had fun, thank you." She mutters leaning on her door, her body language clearly shows that she did not want the night to end.

I reach over and kiss her forehead, "Thank you for allowing me to be yours Trésor."

I smile at the small whine she lets out, "You could stay for the night you know."

"As tempting that is Trésor, Oliver needs me for something."

"At 3 am?"

I give her a short nod, not wanting to let her go. Her facial expression goes blank before she pulls away from my hold. "Please don't be mad Trésor, if I could, I would stay."

I reach to kiss her lips, but she pulls away making me kiss her cheek, "Understood, see you tomorrow?" She says.

I frown.

Since when was she such a brat?

I push her on the door softly, biting the nape of her neck, making her gasp. My phone rings, making me pull away. I give her one last glance, my heart aches at the thought of leaving her.

"We'll talk about this later,"




How are y'all doing?

This isn't the best romance-wise, and I promise to do better next time. I was going on a roll and then boom, motivation gone. But I wanted to update at least twice this month.

Make sure yall drink some water and fix your posture.
Love you all xxx

Updated: 27 November 2021

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