=Club Spades=

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My headache thankfully passed after a meal and a well-deserved nap. Now I'm staring at neon lights fixing the uncomfortable bodycon dress on me, wishing that I was still sleeping. 

"You're finally here, you look wonderful." The person who gave me the uniform exclaims, pulling me into a hug. 

"I'm wishing I didn't," I roll my eyes, but still hug her back. "Why couldn't I wear my own clothes?" 

"I'm sorry, I know it's bad but I really need this favor and you have to look like a performer for this to pull off," Sasha whines, pulling out of the hug and giving me her puppy dog eyes. 

"What do I have to do exactly?" 

"Sing when I do my big performance in an hour, and for right now walk next to me like a bottle girl." 

"I was not aware that walking was involved, I'm wearing heels, Sasha." I scowl.

"I know, I'm sorry but my partner suddenly got sick, and the rule of the club is that us dancers need to have a partner next to them," She whines. "Please help me, I'll give you 60% of my pay tonight, instead of the original 40." 

"Why can't you have a day off?" 

"The owners are coming tonight, all the best dancers are needed," She explained. "You know I don't do public dances anymore, it's just that important." 

I roll my eyes at the explanation but adjusted the bag she gave me nonetheless. I give her a once over and realized she was wearing purple lingerie with beautiful wings attached. 


I have been following Sasha for thirty minutes, helping with orders and staying on the side while she gave private dances. It was not as bad as I expected, Club Spades have strict rules that protect their workers and I am thankful for that. 

I got some tips and the costumers were people of different status, but from the look of it, it was more of a rich people club rather than a club for everyone. People, no matter of their genders, were having fun with the girls, drinking, dancing, and simply watching the stage. 

"Ready love," Sasha says, coming out of her private room. I gave her, her water and wipes for her sweat. "Just one more private show and then it is our turn to perform." 

I nod and follow her. She told me that the office we were going to already have drinks, so I did not need to bring anything with me. We enter a hallway that led to a dark office. 

When we arrived inside the office, the first thing I noticed was the glass. The view allowed us to see everything in the club, but from the outside, no one can see anything. 

The second thing I noticed was the stripper pole in the middle of the office, and the bar. It looked nothing like an office. There seem to be around four men in the office but with the lighting I could not make out all of their faces. 

The seemed to have been in deep conversation when we came in because none looked up to acknowledge us. I look over at Sasha but she motion for me to stay quiet. 

After a few seconds, one of the men in the middle got up and walked over to Sasha. I stiffle a gasp when I realized who it was. 

Oliver Spades.

I watch him take of his jacket and drap it over Felicity, whispering something to her. She looks away slightly and when she makes eye contact with me her eyes widen, she pulls away and introduced me. 

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