=And They =

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"These anti-epilepsy medications will help reduce the seizures, in the beginning, it will be a lot but after a while, it shouldn't be that bad."

"When can he start rehabilitation therapy?"

"We would like to keep him here for a few days to watch over his condition and then he can be transferred."

"Thank you, doctor."

That voice.

Beep. Beep.

The hospital smell overwhelms my senses and the machine's beeping wakes me from my dream. A dream of Amour waking up, this time, this dream felt a bit more real.

"Wake up Tresor," His voice, music to my ears. I would give everything to hear it again.

"Evangeline, wake up," I feel someone shake my shoulders. I wake up and glare at the culprit who woke me up from my nice dream.

"Told you she wasn't going to like that." A deep voice chuckles as I glare at Oliver.


My neck snaps in the direction of the voice. The culprit smiles at me and it's like the whole world crashing down. If this is a dream I never want to wake up.

"Hi Trésor," He said, giving me a lazy smile. My eyes water at the sight. "I was expecting a different reaction really."

My shaking hand reaches for his face. The beard he grew had a rough but also soft texture. His smile is still unwavering as I look at him. I say nothing, afraid I will wake up from this beautiful dream if I speak.

"This isn't a dream Trésor, I'm awake." He says. I break down crying, laying on his chest. The emotion was too much for me to control.

"We'll be outside." I hear Oliver say, walking out with the doctors that were in the room.

"I love you," I whisper through my broken sobs. Trying to calm myself down. "I also hate you."

"What was that princess?" His voice was raspy, probably because it's been so long since he has spoken.

"I said," I look up at him, sniffling and controlling my sobs. "I hate you. I hate you for leaving me in that bathroom all alone and not letting me say I love you back. I hate you for getting shot in the head and for being in a coma for too long. I hate you so much, I almost lost hope, I almost thought you wouldn't wake up. I hate you for being my source of happiness. I hate that I was so lost without you. I hate that the thought of joining you if you died occupied my mind. I h-"

His lips crashed into mine. It was chapped in comparison to mine but I didn't mind. I missed the feeling, I miss having him this close to me.

"I love you too Trésor," He pulls back and whispers. "And I will never leave you."


"Pinky promise."

"I love you."

"I love you more," He whispers back, kissing my forehead. "I heard about what you've done while I was gone, I'm proud of you."

"So you've been awake for this long and no one woke me up?"

"You looked peaceful sleeping."

I roll my eyes and lay back on his chest, careful to not hurt him. After a moment of peaceful silence, I speak up again.

"What's the full damage?"

"Seizures are going to be a common thing, with medication it will get better with time. My 20/20 vision isn't that great anymore, and even after rehabilitation therapy I won't be able to walk the same anymore."

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