=My Head=

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The inside of the house was cleaner compared to the last time I saw it. The floors that use to be filled with vomit, blood, and fecal matter have now been replaced by clean and white tiles.

The walls were no longer filled with holes and brains, instead, it was smooth and sleek. The only thing that was the same, was the old paintings from the west wing.

"Where's Evangeline?" Oliver spoke for me, while I look around the place.

"We'll get to that later, Jasper is waiting for you," Kayden spoke with a smirk permanent on his face. I roll my eyes.

I slam him onto the nearest wall and point my knife at his throat. "I swear Kayden if anything happens to her, you going to wish I killed you."

He starts laughing maniacally, I punch him in the face, and a nasty crack signals me that I broke his nose. He throws a glare at me,

"If you want your little bitch to live I suggest you let him go."

I turn to the voice who said that it belong to a big man. He was taller than me and Oliver, filled with muscle and oozing with cockiness.

"And you are?" I ask letting Kayden go and getting a tighter grip on my knife.

"The one who summoned you," He speaks, a permanent smile still visible on his face. He turns and I resist the urge to laugh at his unflattering ponytail. "Follow me."

"So you're Jasper," I state following him to an office, trying to see if there is any sign of Evangeline. "Where is-"

"She's completely fine and you will see her when we're done speaking," He cuts me off, seating behind the office desk and smirking at me. Kayden stands next to him, like the bitch that he is also smirking.

What the fuck are they smirking for?

"What do you want?"

"I have a business proposal, you say yes we have a new partnership you refuse you get to leave and no one gets hurt," He starts off.

"Let me stop you right there," I speak up, my patience running thin. "I'm not here to play games, I need to see Evangeline here and alive before I listen to everything you say."

"I also want the liberty to scop the place around, I need to make sure this place isn't a trap," Oliver speaks up.

He stays quiet for a bit and looks at Kayden who just nods and walks out. Oliver also does the same while I do keep my eyes off of Jasper.

"Do you like what I did to the place?" He taunts, putting his feet on the desk. Something about his character rubs me off the wrong way, he seems more like the dumb strong sidekick, not a leader. He is too cocky for that shit.

"I decided to clean it and remove all of those things that reeked desperation and poverty," He continues still with that ugly smile on his face. "But I guess even after these changes, the memories are still there right?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Stop with the act Amour, I know about your brief stay in this house," He gets up and looks out the window. "Those two months of your pathetic life everyone protecting you, making sure you don't do any drugs, getting into fights, or getting selected to be someone's bitch. Mothers treated you like their sons, fathers made sure you were fed before they ate themselves."

"I never asked for that, I even refused multiple times but they still continued."

"That doesn't fucking matter," He says clenching his fist. "The fact that they helped you wasn't the problem, it's the fact that the person that was in charge of this whole bullshit was your dear daddy, and the whole reason why you were here was that you ran away during a rebellious phase."

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