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Let's continue...

Next morning...
Sidshek went to the college and Yeshi were at their home...
Both Sidshek were bored in the college without Yeshi...

Suddenly Principal sir came in Sid's classroom and announced that there will a Goa tour for students of College those who want to go can tell their names by tomorrow...

And it was the time of the college to be over...
Sidshek met at the gate of the college...
Sid to Abhi: Bhai I am going to Ashi's home to meet her...
Abhi: Ok Sid...I have some work otherwise I would also have come...
Sid: Ok bhai bye...I will be back at home soon...
Abhi: Ok bye...

Sid left for Ashi's home and Abhi left for Sidshek's home...
Sid reached and rang the bell of Ashi's home...Yesha opened...
Sid: Hi dii...
Yesha: Hii Sid...come inside...
Sid came inside...
Yesha: Sid... you sit here I will bring something for you...
Sid: No no dii... it's ok...I am only here to meet Ashi... Where is she?
Yesha: In her room...go and meet her
Sid: Hmm

Sid knocked Ashi's room door...
Ashi (from inside): Yes com in...
Sid went inside the room...Ashi saw him...
Ashi: Hii Sid...So nice to see you...
Sid: Hi Ashi...Same here...How are you?
Ashi: I am fine...
Sid: Ok Ashi... I wanted to tell you something...
Ashi: Yes tell...
Sid: Today principal sir had come to our class and announced that the college has prepared a Goa tour of part-1 students...
Ashi: Ooh woww... that's so nice...I will also go...

Then suddenly Yesha entered Ashi's room and heard Ashi saying 'I will also go'...So she asked...
Yesha: Where will you go?
Ashi told everything to Yesha...
Yesha: No Ashu you will not go... You need more rest...
Ashi: Dii but I want to go...I love Goa...
Yesha: No means no Ashu...
Yesha left...
Ashi started crying...
Sid: Ashi plz don't cry...Yesha dii has said no only for your safety na...
Ashi: I know Sid but I want to go...
Sid hugged her... telling not to cry...
Sid: Ashu plz don't cry...I will talk to Dii...
And Sid went to Yesha...
Sid to Yesha: Dii plz let Ashi go...she is so upset and is crying...
Yesha: But know na till now she is not totally can I let her go...
Sid: Don't worry...I am also going...I promise I will take proper care of her...
Yesha: No Sid...not this time...
Sid: Ok dii as you wish...
Sid left and went to Ashi...
Ashi: What did dii said?
Sid: She said that you are not totally fine to go...So you will not...
Ashi (upset): Ok then fine...I will not go... you go and enjoy....
Sid: What do you mean by 'You go'...if you will not come then I will also not go...
Ashi: No go and enjoy... don't loose chance of going Goa bcoz of me...Go and have fun...
Sid: My decision is final...if my bestie wi not go then I will also not go...
Ashi: Sorry Sid...
Sid: Don't say Sorry Ashu...Ok Ashi I have to go now... Byee and worry we will go Goa some other time...
Ashi: Bye Sid...I will try to persuade dii...
Sid: Hmm Ok...
Sid left for his house...he was also upset for not going to Goa...
Then he reached his house and directly went to his room...
Abhi went to Sid's room...
Abhi to Sid: What happened Sid?
Sid: Nothing bhai...
Abhi: Sid you know na you can't hide anything from me... Tell what happened...
Sid told everything to Abhi...
Abhi: Actually Yesha is right Sid...
Sid: I know bhai but...
Abhi: You want to enjoy Goa with Ashi... right?
Sid: Yes bhai...
Abhi: Ok don't worry I will talk to Yesha...
Sid: Thanku so much bhai...
Sid hugged Abhi...and said
Sid: I love you Bhai...
Abhi: I love you tooo my cute brother...

Abhi called Yesha...
Yesha picked the call...
On call...
Yesha: Hello
Abhi: Hi Yesha
Yesha: Yes Abhi... Anything important...
Abhi: Actually Yesha...Sid told me about their trip to Goa...I think you should let Ashi go...
Yesha: Why are u all not understanding...She is not much well to go...
Abhi: Yesha you don't worry na...Sid will be there will Ashi...he will take a proper care of Ashi...I guaranteed you that...Ashi will not face any's my promise to you...
And afterall Ashi also wants to go na...
Yesha: Ok Abhi...I will think about it...
Abhi: Okk...Bye
Yesha: Bye
The call is over...

Abhi told Sid about what Yesha told...Sid now became little happy...
After sometime Ashi messaged Sid...

Message conversation-
Ashi: Hi Sid😊
Sid: Hii Ashi...
Ashi: Sid thanku so much for telling Abhi bhaia to talk to Dii about letting me go...Dii allowed me to come Goa...
Sid: What! That's cool...Now we can Goa...I feel like dancing...
Ashi: 😅
Sid: So tomorrow you will come to college...right?
Ashi: Yess I will...
Sid: Ok so at 8 I will come to pick you both...
Ashi: No need but I know that you will Okk
Sid: Better😅
Ashi: Bye bestie...
Sid: Bye ni8
Ashi: Gd ni8
Conversation over...

Sid was so happy and we went to Abhi's room...
Sid to Abhi (happily): Bhaii!!
Abhi: Yesha has given permission to Ashi to go...right?
Sid: How do you know bhai?
Abhi: By seeing your happiness...Ok now prepare for Goa and one more thing...Tell Ashi fast that you love her...
Sid (blushes): Ok bhai...In Goa I will...Gd ni8...Love you...
Abhi: Gd ni8... Love you too bro...

To be continued...
Now let's see in the next chapter...How will their Goa trip start and will Sid tell Ashi about his love for her...
Be tuned for knowing...

And guys...
Do vote the chapter and comment for sure...

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