The dare

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Pov Deku:
I was sitting in my room finishing up my homework, when suddenly I heard a knock on my door. I open the door to see Uraraka "Hey deku! Kirishima is inviting the whole class to hangout and stuff in the living room! Wanna come?" she said "Oh sure! I just need to finish up my homework first!" I replied with a smile "Kk! I'll meet you downstairs!".
I closed the door and went back to finishing my homework as planned


Pov Bakugo:

I was in my room, on my phone doing whatever the fuck anyone else would be doing, reading a gay Wattpad story- (Author:BAKUGO NO-) I meant scrolling through Instagram, until Shitty Hair came in my room without even fucking knocking! "Hey Baku-" "HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF KNOCKING SHITTY HAIR!?" I said interrupting whatever the hell he was gonna say, "Damn Bakubro why you gotta be so loud" Pikachu said appearing out of no where "mind your damn business Pikachu" I said CLEARLY annoyed, "Um...anyways, Bakubro I was inviting the class to come hang out in the living room cause why not!" Shark teeth said sounding unsure of what to say at first, "and? The fuck you telling me this?" I said knowing that he knows I wouldn't wanna hang out with a bunch of extras, "And-" "AND! You should come hang out with us and the class,Bakubro" Portable charger  said cutting off Shitty hair, "FUCK NO! Why would I hangout with a bunch of extras!" "Come on bakubrooo it'll be fun!! I promise!" Shitty hair said "Do you think you can change my mind!? BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME!" "I'll by you that extra spicy noodles that you like for a month!" "Make that 3 moths!" I said considering it... "Fine 3 months!" Shark teeth said confidently, "Whatever as long as I get those spicy noodles,shitty hair. AND STOP CALLING ME 'BAKUBRO'"


Pov Deku:

I finished doing my homework and was walking to the elevator to go downstairs to see Uraraka and the others as planned. I passed by Kachan room and saw Kirishima begging Kachan, Maybe it to hangout with the others? Then I hear Kachan yell "FUCK NO" while arriving to the elevator. "Yep that definitely Kachan" I said to myself. After reaching the living room I saw everyone hanging out in the living room by groups. After looking around the room for a second I spot Uraraka and Iida talking to each other, I pass by the others and arrive to them.
"Hey guys!" I said with a smile "Hi Deku! You finally came!" (Author:no not in that way, you dirty minded humans) Uraraka said smiling back "Yeah I got stuck in the last question" "Oh, yes! I did too! So I guess I'm not the only one who was confused!" Iida replied with the weird hand gestures of his "Yup! Me too but instead I still haven't answered that question, Momo said that she could help me with it!" Uraraka said.
After talking for a while Denki said out loud "HEY GUYS! Let's play truth or dare" . I was hesitating if I should since well...Well I still haven't gotten my first kiss and some of these dares might be something like that...And I don't wanna risk it! "I ain't playing that shitty game!" I heard Kachan yell/talk  "Aww Bakubro are you tooo scared to play cause of the dares" Denki said teasingly "SCARED MY ASS! FUCKING FINE ILL PLAY!" Kachan said clearly annoyed "W-well I don't think I'll play"I said quietly yet loud enough for Uraraka and Iida to hear since they're the closest " Aww why not?? Come on Deku it'll be fun!!" Uraraka said kind of  upset "I- Well-" I didn't wanna tell my new friend that I haven't gotten my first kiss and that's why! It would be so embarrassing! "Fine." I replied not wanting my secret to be out.

           ~~After playing for a while~~

Bakugo pov:

After playing for what felt like hours Pink cheeks was sitting on four eyes lap, Racoon eyes was drinking a whole bottle of milk after being dare to eat wasabi,and the most extras were laughing or talking then Pikachu yeld/talk to Grape Head "Mineta I dare you to kiss the prettiest person in the room" all the girls looked at Pikachu in disgust and Ponytail even gave the excuse that she needed to use the bathroom, fucking loser. But instead of going up to any girl, Purple Ball ran up to the shitty need who wasn't even paying attention and KISSED HIM!?

Deku pov:

I was talking to Ayoama and then someone pulled my face towards them and KISSED ME!? I pull back to see who it is and out of all was mineta... "sO dEkU dId yA lIkE iT" mineta said sounding proud. Tears started rolling down my first kiss was with a perverted grape... I got up quickly as possible and ran upstairs to my room hearing behind me someone yell.

Boom boom boy pov:
As I saw Deku run and cry...Anger started creeping up. "WHAT THE FUCK YOU PERVERTED BASTARD" "Wow calm down bakubro" I heard shitty hair say "NO SHUT THE FUCK UP SHITTY HAIR THIS BASTARD DID SOMETHING THAT MEANT A LOT FOR THAT NERD" "I mean why did deku react like that?..." uraraka said "YOU GUYS ARE DUMBASSES IM DONE HERE" I yelled storming off to go see were deku was. Even tho me and Deku are rivals I still grew up with him and cause of that I know that he never had his first kiss and that's cause he left it for someone special. We both did. Then I heard someone sobbing and that was definitely that nerd. I entered his room to see him on the floor crying. I wouldn't care if was crying for another reason but this... I-I don't care either! I JUST FEEL BAD THAT'S ALL! "O-oh h-hey Kachan..." Deku said standing up,trying to wipe his tears away "Hey nerd..." I said getting closer " D-do you need s-something" he said looking like a sad puppy while trying to hold back his tears, "Deku..." I said looking down at him now that I was right infront of him "Y-yeah?"

Deku pov:

"Y-yeah?" I said looking at the ground suddenly I felt to arms wrap around me "Just let it...I know how much it meant to you..." I heard Kachan say. I was surprised of his action and words, yet sad still not believing that something that I found important was stolen to a perverted grape...I hugged him back crying on his chest "why me..." I mumbled still crying. "Hey it fine, it ok! You're still able to kiss someone if you wanted to..." I heard Kachan say trying to cheer me up, "that's not it Kachan" I said looking up at him who was looking down ,back at me, "my first kiss was supposed to be with someone special!" " Am I someone special?" I heard him say now looking everywhere and anywhere except me "W-what" I asked surprised "Would you be this sad if I stole your first kiss?" "Why would you say that?"

Bakugo pov:

Ok maybe we are rivals but if I'm being honest, I fucking HATE how much I love that damn nerd and just seeing him like this...just brings me back to old times...middle school times...All of a sudden my arms just moved by itself and I just wrapped my arms around the damn nerd "Just let it out...i know how much it meant to you" and after trying to cheer him up he said "My first kiss was supposed to be with someone special!" And suddenly a something I shouldn't have said slipped out of my mouth, "am I someone special" realizing what I said I wanted to let go of him and just leave but I can't instead I just tried not to look at him. "W-what?" He looked right at me, I can't just stay quite... "would you be this sad if I stole your first kiss?"

Pov Deku:

I don't know what to do or say... "instead of counting mineta as your first kiss... can It be me?" Kachan said leaning closer... This hot motherfu-(Author:STICK TO YOUR LINES MIDORIYA) I wouldn't mind...I mean he is the person I kept it for... (Author:PLOT TWIST RIGHT!right? no? Ok...Imma leave now) I close my eyes and waited for his lips to touch mine and when they did it felt nice..they were soft and gentil...

Hello lovely people this is my first book so please do not judge! Also please tell me if you want the next chapter to be smut or fluff?? Cause I still don't know which one I should choose! Also the picture all the way up isn't mine and I do not blame it and this story was inspired by a tiktok vid and the cover of the book isn't mine (TvT)

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