Feeling her love, Again.

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Today being Saturday, I wished to have a double update!!
So here is the second update of the day!!
jiya070 this update is for you!!

"What do you mean by you can do nothing??" Anika spat in anger,"You said things happened under your nose then why can't you revoke this nonsense back??"
"Miss Trivedi," Shivaay tried to reason," The clause is so...I can do nothing,"
"Look Mr Oberoi, I am extremely frustrated with this development, this is my first independent venture and I don't want any interference, you are the person named as the share holder for next three months na?? Why the hell don't you give up?? Just get my paper works done and return back my company. I shall share my profits with none. It's solely belongs to me and DFS,"
"If Bade Pa had done, then it might be for..."
"Oberois' well being," Anika replied," And I am no where in the league,"
Shivaay was silent. Perhaps Anika was right. She was no where in the league of Oberois.
Officially she is done.
"Miss Trivedi, I promise to set things right, all will be done before 4 pm IST at evening,"
"Seriously?? I have a launch at five pm IST Mr Oberoi, all legal formalities must be done by four pm IST,"
"Miss Trivedi, understand my situation, I have my appointments, I..."
"It's none of my business!!"
Shivaay inhaled sharply.
It's none of her business. Why must she care about him??
They are done.
"Miss Trivedi, Kindly pardon me but I can't do anything in a hurry,"
"Mr Oberoi, I need things to be done ASAP, if not, you shall face the consequences at court," Anika was relentless.
Shivaay gulped.
I have my appointment with Dr Ved for my heart condition.
That's the sole reason why I am visiting Mumbai. Now I must postpone it.
"Miss Trivedi," He coughed,
Darn!! The condition is becoming grave. What about an opinion with Dr Chris here??
"Things will be done," Another cough followed and his fingers searched for the knob of his drawer,
My medicines!!
"I shall make sure..." A length of coughs escaped.
Anika felt the panic inside her her.
Did Shivaay forget to have his medicines?? He is so lethargic with his health. Darn!!
I also blasted on him. God!!
Wait. It's end of month. He might be having a check up with Dr Ved. That's why he is in a hurry.
All of sudden, Anika had an urge to push away all things related to launch and walk away.
Let him take his own time. Now he is not physically fit.
"The files shall..." Uncontrolled coughs escaped his lips. Tears rolled down his cheeks. His throat was dry due to continuous coughing.
"Shivaay!! Are you okay??" Anika walked to his side, "Did you forget to have your medicines?? How can you be so careless?? This is not fair. You always think about work and least care about your health." Her hands pulled the drawers in hurry searching for his medicine box.
Fetching it, she opened it quickly checking for the medicines with the prescription.
Three medicines had been added newly. Is he a man or medicine dump yard for that doctor??
She gritted her teeth while extending the tablets with water bottle.
Shivaay swallowed the medicines in one go with water. Her hand rubbed his back subconsciously.
"Relax, All is well," She muttered.
Shivaay felt the sense of calm spreading within him as she caressed his back, while saying those simple words. The words might be simple but the soothing effect they hold are strong and supportive. This warmth was something he missed these many years.
"All okay Shivaay??" Her brown orbs echoed her anxiety.
The same brown orbs he witnessed few years back. When it was only them in the world of love. When egoistic clashes were absent he witnessed it and now again he sees that.
"Okay, Anu," He replied.
He wished time stopped then. He don't want Anika to wear the mask of ego once again.
"Shivaay, I hope you have an appointment today with Dr Ved,"
Shivaay looked at her as his eyes widened like saucers.
She remembers??
"So no issues, let's not talk about the business issues now and it's not a hurry, let's sort it out slowly,"
His eyes softened.
"And what are those three new medicines for??" She rolled her eyes.
"Hmm...some complications,"
"Shivaay, that's the only reason why I say not to skip medicines,"
"Anu, but I didn't mean to skip them, it just slipped out of my mind,"
Anika nodded negatively with a sigh.
"You are impossible Shivaay,"
Shivaay smiled as his palm intertwined with hers on table.
The eye lock they had next was something beautiful. It was the gaze of Anika he brought back to Oberoi Mansion not before drenching in rain, after closing the chapter of his aunt Roop in his life.
It was so natural.
"Excuse me Sir," Evans broke the moment,"It's time for your flight,"
Shivaay could see Anika withdrawing her hand quickly.
"Okay Shivaay...I mean Mr Oberoi, take care of your health, let's talk about the profit sharing later,"
Shivaay nodded.
The new Anika is back.
"Ok Miss Trivedi,"
He stood up from chair and picked up his blazer.
"But why don't you call me Shivaay?? Mr Oberoi makes me feel so old!!"
"I shall never call you so!!" Anika shrugged,"I am uncomfortable with that!!"
"But you called me all this time as Shivaay, not once but five times,"
Anika's mouth was in perfect O shape.
"Calculator Singh Oberoi!!" She blurted out earning a wink from her ex husband.

"Mr Oberoi, seriously??" Om spat in anger,"Why do you make my brother's life even more messy for your selfish ambitions??"
Tej didn't mind him.
"I am asking you,"
"Om, All I do is for the welfare of Oberoi Empire,"
"Really?? All you care is for business. What about the relationships?? Shivaay and Anika's relationship will be strained further, what if she thinks that Shivaay did this??"
"It's none of my business," Tej remarked rudely.
Om sighed.
This man shall never change!!

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