She is no more!!(Alternate)

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Dhruv paced up and down the corridor with his glancing at the OT door.
The clock displayed 1 at night but sleep was far from Dhruv's eyes. His gray orbs glistened with tears.
"There he is," Anu pulled Rikar towards the back facing Dhruv.
"Excuse me Mr Trivedi," Rikar called him out.
Dhruv turned back and was stunned.
"Dhruv..." Rikar gasped.
"Well Dhruv...this is Rikar, Devanika's psychiatrist, whom she had been consulting and Rikar this is Dhruv..." She stopped as she looked at the men looking at each other stunned.
"Psychiatrist??" Dhruv muttered.
"You are Devanika's bf??" Rikar asked back.
This was something beyond shock.
What the hell had the almighty planned??

"What the fuck??" Ruvay cursed the man on other end, "How did that bitch escape??"
"Where is she now??"
"Fuck, that's my brother's hospital, I can do nothing, Shit..."
"Just shut the fuck up, I need no explanations,"
"Wait for my fucking instructions,"
"She is always a threat, if she dares to open her mouth in front of media, I am ruined,"
"Yeah, she must be dead, she can't be alive at any cost,"
"Ruvay," He turned around to find Bhavya standing with her eyes widened as saucers.

"Sorry Mr Oberoi but your Dadi is dead," The doctor said with his head hung low.
Om and Gauri looked at him with shock.
"Dr...are you sure??" Rikara asked again to confirm.
What if all of these is a dream??
"She had suffered a massive cardiac arrest,"
"Cardiac arrest??" Gauri asked with wonder, "She was safe and sound even minutes back,"
"Well, Cardiac arrest doesn't come announced," Doctor sighed.
Om looked at his Dadi who laid still on bed as if she was asleep. Permanently asleep. Her palms had clutched the bed sheet tight.
"Dadi," He broke down next to her crying.

"It's all your family, who was responsible for this," He shouted forgetting that it's hospital.
"Listen to me..." Rikar tried to calm him down but Dhruv pushed him away.
"You Oberois, sent my mom to jail, made my life hell and now destroyed my all are the reason of my misery,"
"Dhruv...please..." Rikar tried standing up.
"Do you guys know each other??" Anu asked with her heart hammering against her chest.
"We are brothers," Rikar replied.
"Were," Dhruv corrected.

Shivaay sat next to the window of his cosy room.
His eyes were fixed on the house next door.
"I need to apologise, I need to clarify, I am supposed to explain...I need a chance, please Anika, listen to me fully...please...All these years without you was equivalent to hell, I did mistakes but I never meant to hurt you...without you Shivaay is nothing, the last 10 years when I was forced to hurt you, I too got hurt...perhaps more than you...Your pain hurts me, please Anu...just listen to me once,"
His mind screamed which came out as tears through his gray orbs.
"My heart beats only for you...
So does yours for me.
Neither are ready to acknowledge it
But still our hearts aren't dumb
And keep expressing the love,
Hoping that one day or other, anyone of us shall realise,
The love for each other..."

Devanika opened her eyes, letting the dim white light of her room invade those brown orbs.
Multiple cables were attached to her body, making her feel weak like never before.
Pushing her head towards the left, she saw Dhruv who had dozed off in the chair nearby.
He squeezed his eyes while yawning, slowly getting out of his sleep.
"Deva," He went on knees next to her,"How are you??"
"Fine," She smiled.
His fingers traced her hairline subconsciously while noticing the dark half crescents under her eyes.
"Nothing shall happen,"
"Hmm...I know, when did you come back??"
"Today evening,"
"You didn't go to Shimla??"
"Nope, I planned to go there with you,"
Dhruv sighed," But no issues, the winter holidays is there for a month, we can spend some time together at Mumbai," Dhruv winked," Then at Shimla, "
Devanika chuckled.
"How do you feel??" Dhruv held her palm affectionately.
"Terrible, this hospital atmosphere is sickening me," Devanika nodded negative.
"Acha...never mind, we will be back to your flat in three days,"
"Dhruv," Devanika stammered, "I want to say something, "
"Dhruv, I feel terrible about what happened the other day...I was never involved...that Ruvay...he...I am innocent...believe me...I didn't betray," She was silenced by Dhruv's finger which held her lips in place.
"I know everything and I believe you, with no doubts,"
He acknowledged, "Do you think that I won't believe you and act like the narcissistic men, blaming you for everything that happened??"
"Sshh...I belive you, but you didn't believe that I will believe you, that's what you think about me right??"
"No Dhruv, not at all, my brain cables were messed up and after that incident...I felt ashamed and disgusted about myself, I..."
"Not a word more, I am hurt,"
"Dhruv, I am sorry,"
He looked away.
"I am sorry..."
She held his collar,tried pulling him towards her.
"I can't pull you idiot, you are so strong, " Her remark made him chuckle.
Giving up, he allowed her pull him towards her direction.
"I am sorry for hurting you, and sorry for apologizing...and I love you,"
"I forgive you but next time THIS must not repeat, clear??"
She nodded positive like a little kid listening to her tutor.
"Between, I love you too,"
She smiled hearing it and brushed her nose against his and the duo freezed while holding their foreheads together.

Life of Oberoi bade bahu.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang