Chapter 1 : Abduction

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At the Moscow Suvorov Military School, expensive cars rolling in, parents of the rich and powerful picking up their children by the end of a semester, ready to set out for their long summer vocation.

JoJo watching her friends left one by one, greeted by their loving parents, already talking about travelling abroad, visiting Paris and New York and even the exotic Asia.

She wished her parents could do the same, but Army General Mikhail Siwanov would never leave his post, serving his country like a devoted soldier.

Her mother Anna Siwanova, a doctor and minister in the Health of the Russian Federation, was always on some conventions around the world. JoJo would not be surprised if only her chauffeur shows up.

Another 20 minutes of waiting, her private Mercedes finally arrived. She opened the door and climbed into the backseat in disappointment, wondering if one of her parents may show up for dinner.

The most talkative person in the house was her chauffeur Artyom, but even he was in a quiet mood today, steering behind the wheel without looking back.

"Since when did you start wearing sunglasses, Artyom?" JoJo asked, trying to raise the mood for the both of them, but the man just kept driving. "And I thought I was the only one feeling down for the holidays!"

She took out her phone and began checking for messages, there were none, so she began browsing. The internet was awfully slow, almost to a stop, then she noticed the phone had no signal.

"Artyom, I'm not getting any signal. Can I borrow your phone?"

The driver remain silence as if didn't hear her, then she noticed something wasn't right.

They were supposed to be passing a countryside leaving from school, but outside the window was an industrial scene.

"Artyom, where are we?" the driver did not respond. "Artyom?"

Then she noticed the face, not the young and slim Artyom, but a bigger and older man.

"Who are you?" she panicked as the silence driver pulled off road and into the abandoned wasteland. "Please! Stop the car!"

JoJo began to cry, trying her phone again and again, not knowing the driver has been jamming it with his device.

The Mercedes stopped in front of a deserted building, outside the window she saw half a dozen men waiting, some had guns in their hands.

Two men opened the doors from either side, one grabbed the little girl's arms holding her from struggle, as the other pulling a bag over her head.

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