Chapter 5 : Snatch and Grab

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The location was at the southern industrial area, with Likhachova Prospect as the main road, and Avtovokzal'naya stretching out from an abandoned motor plant.

Morris scanned the area through his binoculars, a little girl was being taken from a building and loaded onto a SUV, she had a hood covering her head, her hands handcuffed before her.

The SUV was escorted by two more identical vehicles, a classic presidential tactic to confuse assaults, but Morris knew his target was in the last car.

He put away the binoculars and started his motorcycle, took a parallel path to approach his target, but by the second crossing, a heavy dump truck pulled out from the side, knocking out the first SUV. Another jeep pulled out from the back, blocking the remaining two vehicles from behind.

Men jumped out from the SUVs, defending their captive from the ambush. They soon failed, their men were gunned down one by one, with the assault team closing towards the last SUV.

Morris approached from the rear, hoping to snatch the girl before they do, but by time he reached the curve, another team of armed men crashed into the party, turning the game into a three-way engagement.

Polar, you trap-cropping son of a bitch! Morris cursed.

Trap-cropping was a technique use by farmers for pest control, setting preferred food to lure rats into a single trap. Using similar technique, by selling a single but valuable information to multiple buyers, drawing them together, watch them kill each other, leaving behind treasures and equipments for the scavengers.

The young captive was now on the third hand, a seven men team armed with automatics, all gotten into two cars and drove away. Morris followed them from a distance, waited to see if there were more parties joining the game.

When he was sure there wasn't, he caught up with the two cars, playing a common motorcyclist at the fast lane, assessing the plan in his head. There were three men inside the first car, four in the second, sitting in two by two formation, with the little girl in the middle of the rear passenger seat.

He positioned his motorcycle between the two cars, rehearsed the sequence in his head, and then pulled out a gun from his jacket.

He first shot the front wheel of the second car, sending it off course and flipped over. The car in front responded to the attack, but the motorcyclist already had his gun forward, sending three direct shots to the heads.

Seeing the driverless car continued its path, Morris braked and made a U-turn, headed back to the tumbling car. He made a stop and kept his gun up, watching the vehicle rolled a three-sixty and back on its wheels, everyone inside were tangled up, like they've just survived from a tumble dryer, all groining in pain.

One by one, the passengers opened the doors and stepped out for air, disoriented and weren't aware of someone approaching. Morris took them out with a bullet each, one-two, then three-four.

He found the little girl lying on the rear passenger seat, muffling under the hood. He reached inside and removed the black hood, torn away the duct tape from her mouth. She coughed hard, then found herself staring at the big man hovering over her.

"It's okay. I'm here to get you out." the man spoke Russian, but with an accent. His voice deep and firm.

JoJo was still in shock from the time she was taken, she didn't know what to think and who to trust.

"Come on, let's get you out of here!" said the man offering his hand.

She took his hand, it felt rough and hard, so strong it yanked her out of the car.

Morris took the girl to the car ahead, one that was slowing to a stop. He pulled out the dead bodies, put JoJo in the front passenger seat, went around and slipped behind the steering wheel.

"Are you all right? Do you need some water?" Morris asked.

Dehydration was a common syndrome for victims in shock. He found a bottle and fed to the girl, she gulped down like a horse, drank up the whole bottle.

"Who are you?" JoJo panted, she hasn't any food or water since they took her.

"I'm your new designated driver. I'm taking you home." the man revealed a smile. "But before we do that I need to ask a few questions. Now, what is your name and your date of birth?"

He already knew her from the pictures in the task file, but there has been known cases where kidnappers produce imposters as decoy.

"JoJo..." the little girl stuttered. "Siwanova. My birthday is April 4th."

"Good. Now JoJo, I'm going to free these cuffs, but you have to promise me you don't try to run away. There are still bad guys out there looking for you."

"How do I know you aren't one of them?" JoJo narrowed her eyes.

"You don't, and I can't prove that. You'll just have to trust me, until someone shoots me, but by then at least you can see and run."

It wasn't the answer JoJo was hoping for, in fact it was the most bizarre thing a kidnapper would say to a hostage, but she nodded anyway.

Seeing the little girl agreed, Morris removed a hair clip from her hair, it was a Disney figure.

"What have we here?" Morris unfolded the clip.

"It's Ariel. My mother got it for me from Disney last year."

"It's more than that. It's a key!"

Morris stuck the metal end into the handcuffs, waggled it a bit, JoJo watched in fascination as the cuffs popped open.

"How did you do that?" she gasped.

"Magic." the man winked.

He sat back behind the steering wheel, brought out his phone and hit COMPLETE, moments later he was given a drop point. He turned and said to JoJo.

"Everything will be all right from now on. I'm gonna take you home."

Little JoJo nodded, finally has some hope in her eyes.

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