Chapter 24 : Exchange

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Slava watched the Orion team took Morris into a van and drove away. She was uncomfortable receiving credits for the task, not when it was arresting her own people, but a task was a task, and she has to live up to her emotion.

Not long after the van turned into a corner, a loud explosion shook the street.


She rushed to the scene, found the van turned to its side, with fiery tongues swallowing the vehicle from inside, and what looked like a burning figure buried under the wreckage.

Grasping the littlest hope, she ran across the debris and broken glass, risking all to pull Morris out of the flaming vehicle. By then a second explosion occurred, the gas tank was overheated, released a powerful shockwave that scattered every window around the block.

"MORRIS!!" she broke down and cried in despair. No one can survive such explosion.

From a passing car, Morris looked out the tinted window, watching Slava sitting on the road screaming his name. It hurts him to leave her like this, but it's better than having the whole world after him.

Orion would charge him with every failure the agency has done over the years, sentence him to prison, until they could exchange him for someone valuable to their resource. This is the punishment of going rogue, not to end you, but to ruin you for life, such irony to end the Talon.

He had no idea of the people who took him, who broke into the van, replaced him with a corpse, before setting off the explosion. Whoever these people were, they went through a lot of trouble faking his death.

But people who saved him may or may not be helping him, there are many enemies out there who wanting him dead in ways to their satisfaction, or wanted his skills for worse purposes, and he wouldn't know until he sees their operation. He could only rest, storing up his energy, and waits for what lies ahead, the quietness before the storm.

Dasvidaniya, Slava. He spoke in his heart. And Godspeed!

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