Chapter 25 : Oath

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JoJo finally able to perform, on a special event held at the Summer Palace of Peter the Great. General Siwanov has never been so proud seeing his daughter dance on stage, winning a full standing applause from the entire floor. His daughter has changed much since the unfortunate event happened a month ago, but she turned out a far smarter and stronger person than he ever thought to be.

"Believe me. She's happier seeing you here than you see her." said the man standing next to the General.

"Do you know who drove us here today?"

"Don't tell me!" Morris smirked.

"How did I do?" JoJo ran up to her father.

"I'm so proud of you!" Siwanov hugged and kissed his daughter.

"You danced beautifully!" Morris smiling down at her. "Come! I wanna show you something."

"Papa, can I go with him?" the little girl asked.

"He's your bodyguard now. You can do anything you want with him." the General smiled.

"Hey! That's not how bodyguard works!" Morris felt offended.

Siwanov chuckled, watching JoJo happily walking away with her newly assigned bodyguard. Never has he imagined the once fearful agent from the west, is now watching over his daughter like a guardian angel.

Morris showed JoJo to the Wall of Honor, where hundreds of name plates and medals were on display, decorating the brave men once served the monarchs. He pointed to one of the many copper name plates.

"Who is Viktor Zaytsev?" JoJo read from the plate.

"He was the last Royal Guard, died protecting the young Princess Anastasia."


"He never gave up, right down to his last breath protecting the Princess, because he believed that when he dies, his legend lives."

JoJo felt a warmth in her heart, knowing that Morris has just made his oath to her, he will protect her at all cost.


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