22; Two Sides Of The Same Coin

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𝙾𝚌𝚝𝚘𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟽𝚝𝚑, 𝚆𝚎𝚍𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚍𝚊𝚢
Miles POV

It's been three days since that kiss.

I wish I could come up with a good way to describe that moment or how I felt. However, there are no words in the English or Spanish language that come close. The worst part is that I can't sit back and enjoy the memory.

There's no patting myself on the back for correctly guessing Parker's feelings toward me. I always knew that we had something for each other... Until, suddenly, we didn't.

We're seeing each other on Friday.

Parker and Hannah, or Parker and Miles?

There's an obvious winner there. Especially if he wants to keep his picture-perfect future. I'm not the biggest fan of Griffin, but the boy has a point. I can't interfere any further. I already pushed Parker's boundaries to their extent and then some.

If that's the case, then why won't my heart settle down?

I've always been an expert at gathering my emotions back up after a sudden declaration like that. I was always the one in the secret relationships that lost feelings first. And I lost them fast, especially when I knew it would be fruitless, just like this relationship.

Even still, the breath hitches in my lungs when Parker slinks into history class. He keeps his eyes down exactly like he has for the past two days.

I wouldn't say that things are super awkward between us anymore, except we're definitely not back to normal, either. I hate it.

Parker smiles tightly as he passes his friends and mumbles greetings back at them. When he gets closer to my desk, he meets my eyes, and both of our smiles turn natural.

"Good morning," I greet him as he walks past. The smell of his body wash, coconut and lavender, follows behind. That alone makes me shift from the memory of those same scents pressed against my nose a few days ago.

"Hey, Miles. I like the new style. It fits you." Parker motions at my hair.

I run a hand over my fresh braids and smile sheepishly. My mom finally got a night off yesterday, and while we were hanging out, she said, and I quote, I've seen sheep with hair in better shape than yours.

After four hours, one sore scalp and many held-back tears later, momma got me set. When she admired her work, she called me the cuter version of Algee Smith. I knew it was a compliment from what I know about that man.

And now I really know she worked her magic because not only have I been getting compliments all morning, but Parker looks a little... dare I say, star-struck.

"Thanks, man. Momma knows how to get the job done. How was practice last night?" I ask in an effort to keep him talking.

Parker shrugs and drops his supplies down on his desk before sitting. "It was fine—the usual shit. Greyson is pushing everyone to their limit to prepare for these final few games. If we win the game this Saturday night, there's a good chance we'll make it to State."

I whistle softly. "Hot damn."

That makes Parker laugh. "Yeah, I know. You're telling me."

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